All Might's Successor.

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WARNING:  There's a bit of mature content at the end of the chapter.  Nothing too bad, but I did want to give everyone a heads up.  It wasn't originally planned, it just sort of snuck up on me.

You follow Nezu, Toshinori, and a gentle older woman, who introduced herself as Chiyo Shuzenji or Recovery Girl as she prefers to be called, through the halls of UA and to a door with Principal Nezu written on the glass. Nezu opens the door and you all follow him inside. The room is spacious with purple carpeting and a large wooden desk in front of a wall made completely out of glass which looks out on the city. There's a plush black couch facing the desk and a wooden coffee table in between. "Please have a seat while I start the tea." Nezu says.

You and Recovery Girl sit down on the couch as Nezu pours water into a white collapsible electric tea kettle. Toshinori chooses to remain standing, pacing slightly and nervously wringing his hands together. "Calm down, Toshi-kun. You're just working yourself into a frenzy. Take a couple of deep breaths and relax."

Toshinori does as you suggest and slowly he begins to calm down. "Here you go All Might this should help as well. I always find that a nice cup of green tea is soothing to the nerves." Nezu says to Toshinori while holding a cup out to him.

Toshinori takes the cup, "Thank you, Principal Nezu."

Nezu brings you and Recovery Girl both a cup of tea. You both thank him and he sits between you two with his own cup. "Now, what is it that you wanted to talk to us about, All Might?"

"It's about my quirk actually." This gets Nezu's and Recovery Girl's attention and they move to sit on the edge of their seats. "My quirk is a power not unlike the sacred torch of legend that comes passed down from one bearer to the next.  One man cultivates the power then that man grants it to another.  And again it is fostered, and passed down again.  With each new inheritor the power grows and the successor's own quirk becomes a part of it.  It's called One For All."

"A quirk that can be transferred from one person to another?  I've never heard of such a thing."  Recovery Girl states in awe.

You frown slightly and say, "It's possible.  I've spent the last ten years looking for a way to transfer a quirk.  During that time, I've heard of someone with a quirk that can steal other's quirks.  So if a quirk like that exists I don't see why a transferable one can't.  Although I must ask, Toshinori, is there a chance someone can forcibly take One For All?  Because if there is a chance of a villain gaining the power of All Might...."

Toshinori shakes his head, "No.  One For All must be willingly given.  It cannot be forcibly taken or," his face turns red, "passed down genetically."  He clears his throat, "I've been looking for a successor for a while now and I was hoping to find one here at UA."

"Was?" Nezu asks.

"That's right.  I've already found a worthy inheritor of One For All."

You look at Toshinori in surprise, "Izuku."

He nods at you, "Yes, even though when I chose Izuku I had no idea that he was your nephew, Red Force.   Nine months ago, when I saw young Izuku Midoriya rush in to save his friend from the villain Sludge without a second thought to his own safety, I decided to pass One For All on to him.  However, at the time, his body wasn't strong enough to contain the power of One For All.  So, I've spent the last nine months training him.  Even so, there is no guarantee that young Midoriya won't break his bones, especially when I first pass it on."

"So it's going to be like a double-edged sword at first?"  You ask.

"Yes."  He looks at you, "I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner."

Walk Me Home.  (A Toshinori Yagi/All Might X Reader Love story)Where stories live. Discover now