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Steering toward Seokjin’s house to meet his mother as you called Taehyung’s secretary to get the address of the house.

Getting a view of the mansion from afar, you scrutinized the facade of the manor as it had a white and gray tincture. The ambiance exuded a regal feeling.

The vast black gate opened automatically as you steered inside at a low speed before putting on the brakes at the porte cochere, standing high along with the columns.

You could feel the nervousness tracing your heart, “You can do it, Y/n. Let’s try not to make things awkward.” You muttered.

Letting out a deep sigh, you stepped out of the car while you discerned the chauffeur who was sauntering towards you. “Does he know who I am?” You thought to yourself before he politely bowed to you, “Welcome, Mrs. Kim. Let me park your car.” He declared.

“He knows me.” You pressed your lips together before handing him the keys to the car and making your way to a side you turned around while the chauffeur steered your car to the parking.

You gazed at the royal door of the mansion as you ambled toward it before taking a few seconds.

Pushing the button of the bell with your index finger, you took a step back before waiting for someone to open the door.

The next second, you heard the door of the mansion getting open as you discerned a lady in her thirties donned in a black frock, “She is the helper.”

“Oh! Mrs. Kim, Welcome. Please come in.” The helper smiled, stepping aside for you to make your way inside. You took a step inside while asking, “Is Mrs. Kim there?” She nodded, “Yes, Mrs. Kim. She is in her room. Actually, she hasn't been feeling well since the evening so she is resting.” The helper declared.

You furrowed your brows, “What? What happened to her?” You asked as she answered, “We don’t know. She said not to disturb her.” You breathed out before saying, “Oh! Take me to her room.” She nodded, “Yes, please come this side.” You sauntered upstairs as she escorted you to Taehyung’s mother's room.

Standing in front of the door, you knocked on the wooden door lightly when you got a response, “I don’t want to eat.” Knitting your eyebrows together you licked your lips before knocking another time as the helper was standing behind you, “Mrs. Kim! It’s me, Y/n.” You declared.

You didn’t hear any response as you bit onto your lower lip, clamping it between your teeth when you heard the knob of the door opening.

You sighed, lightly as the helper made her way down the stairs. You blinked while gulping down a lump in your throat as the door opened.

You discerned Mrs. Kim, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Y/n, you are here.” She said as you nodded before bowing to her, “How are you, Mrs. Kim? I heard you are not feeling good?” You asked, scrutinizing her pale skin as her tresses were tied in a bun.

“It’s nothing.” She flung her hand in the air before giving you the way to come inside, “Come inside.” You nodded before making your way inside her room as she left the door open.

The room was clean and pristine while the white daylight was illuminating the room along with the moonlight penetrating through the glazed sliding door of the balcony, “Please take a seat.” You heard her as you took a seat on the couch placed beside the huge bed as she sat beside yours.

“How are you?” She asked as you nodded, “I am totally fine, Mrs. Kim but I think you are not.” You said as she let out a sigh, “I am fine. Just worn out.” You nodded while fiddling with your fingers.

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now