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"Move, filthy human!"

Staring up at the strange creature stood before me, I was in disbelief at what was happening.

I scurried forwards, catching up to the other two girls that had also just been taken by what I could only describe as aliens.

My head was pounding, most likely due to being knocked out and dragged into this spaceship, flying saucer or whatever the fuck this is.

The aliens led us to a cage of some sort. The two girls infront of me obliged and entered without a fuss but I refused to obey them, standing up for myself.

"Fuck you." I spat at the alien behind me. "Let us go!"

I balled my fists and spun around, lunging myself towards it.

Just as my fist was about to make contact with it's face, my body froze. It felt like what I'd expect paralysis to feel like.

My feet left the floor; I was floating.

The alien was visibly furious, my heart pounding in fear.

"How dare you try and lay your hands on me! A female of such species will not touch a man of Gladar!" His voice boomed.

Thick saliva coated his rotten teeth as he roared. The closeness we shared made my eyes water as the smell of his breath hit my nose. I held my breath, wishing for either death or distance.

The alien man held his hand up and as he slowly closed it, my throat felt like it was being squeezed.

"You will show respect, female. Is that understood?"

I blinked rapidly, still unable to move the rest of my body.

The pressure on my throat retracted as I flew backwards into the cage, my back slamming into the bars before dropping to the floor.

Gasping for air, I heard the aliens laughing, conversing in a language I didn't recognise. The cage door slammed closed as I looked up and my eyes locked with one of the aliens.

Their faces were light purple, excessively wrinkled with beady, orange eyes. They had matted black hair, similar to a poodle and were dressed in some sort of plastic looking armour.

Whatever they were, they were hideous yet terrifying but I held his gaze, hoping to give the impression that I wasn't fazed by them.

The three of them eventually turned and walked away without another word. Once they were out of view, I dropped to the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest, hugging them tight.

The other girls were trembling, tears streaming down their faces and we all sat wide eyed, staring at each other for a few moments.

"Do any of you know how we got here? All I remember was sitting in the park and then something hitting me on the head."

I looked at the girls, they looked older than me, at least ten years older, thirtysomething maybe.

"We were walking back from school after dropping our little ones off. I heard Gemma scream and when I turned around I saw one of the aliens dragging her. I rushed to help her but blacked out and woke up here."

"You're Gemma?" I looked at the other girl and she nodded.

Although we were all in the same situation, I felt bad for Gemma, she was still trembling, fear clearly consuming her. I sent her a sympathetic smile and turned back to the other girl.

"I'm Daisy."

"Hayley." She nodded.

Our minimal conversation fell silent so I scrambled to my feet and shuffled over to the cage door. If there was a way out of here, I'd find it.

My Alien SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now