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Since having a vision of Daisy, they had become a welcomed daily occurrence.

Somehow, they had virtually taken away the physical pain that was crippling my body but the mental pain remained.

It was torture not having her with me, but being able to see her and knowing that she was ok gave me a sense of comfort.

I had began training again, hours on end each day, keeping myself occupied and pushing my body hard.

Although it was tough, it was the only thing that exhausted me enough to be able to sleep at night.

I had started spending alot of my spare time with Klaus and it was nice to have the brotherly bond that I'd pushed away for years.

Kiara checked in with me daily and even Kintel had started training with me once a week.

My parents were busy at the annual meeting for the intergalactic alliance so they were off world, meaning that Kordin was in charge, too busy for a life and so I hadn't spoken with him much.

Klaus and I were on a hike, happy to see the end of the snow and I was enjoying the cool morning breeze.

It had taken us two hours to reach the top of the smallest mountain around us, and as expected, conversation soon turned to Daisy.

"Do you think that she's forgotten about me?" Klaus asked, deadly serious, causing me to look over at him like he'd grown an extra head.

"She's my soulmate, Klaus. Who cares if she's forgotten about you?" I chortled.

"She might be your soulmate but Daisy and I share an even deeper connection." He quipped.

I raised a brow. "And would that involve food?"

"The sweet kind.. Dessert." He smiled proudly.

"What a loser." I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"No need to be jealous brother, I'm sure she loves you too." Klaus smirked.

I shoved him playfully and he shoved me back before I got him in a headlock, ruffling his hair.

Just as I was about to let go of him, I had a vision.

Daisy was sitting in some sort of vehicle, eyes red and puffy, but something caught my eye.

She wore a white t-shirt with big black writing scribbled across the middle.

I quickly let go of Klaus and sat back on the ground, struggling to catch my breath.

"Kai? What's wrong?" Klaus asked, concerned.

I looked up at him, brows furrowed as I tried to make sense of what I saw.

"It's Daisy. She loves me." I murmured.

"This again? I thought we already established that she loved me more." He chuckled.

I looked up into his eyes. "No, Klaus, you don't understand. I had a vision. Her t-shirt said 'I love you Kai'. I think she was sending me a message."

"But why would she do that without knowing you've been having visions?"

I thought about it for a moment and Klaus was right. There's no way she could have known about my visions.. Unless.

"I know this might sound ridiculous but.. Do you think Daisy could've had a vision too?" I wondered.

Klaus and I looked at one another, pondering over my question.

"Call Medic Haldon, he will know."

Without wasting time, I did as Klaus suggested and called Haldon.

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