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The hanger doors were open and Emrys and I both looked at each other before casting a wide-eyed glance at the ship.

It was like time stood still, both of us in a trance until the shuttle door slid open, bringing us back to reality.

"She's a beauty, isn't she?" Granteon smiled widely, proud of his ship.

I had no words, just blinking up at him and I was grateful when Emrys piped up.

"That's incredible. I've never seen anything like it. Is that what we're flying home in? Please tell me it is."

Granteon laughed loudly but I struggled to see why. My mood was at an all time low and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't snap out of my gloomy state.

"I can confirm that this mother bird will be taking you home." Granteon nodded at Emrys.

"This is awesome." He squeeled, stepping out of the shuttle to take a closer look.

"Are these the only bags that you have?" Granteon asked, looking down at the two bags that Emrys and I had brought.

"Yes." I mumbled, nodding my head.

"Do you mind if I load them onto the ship?"

"No, go ahead." I stated, dragging them over to Granteon so that he didn't have to stretch to reach them.

"Thanks, Daisy. I'll see you on board." He smiled, grabbing the bags and walking away.

I watched as he coversed with Emrys before they both boarded the ship and after taking a minute to compose myself, I stepped out of the shuttle and looked up at the thing that would be taking me home.

This was going to be the biggest test of my entire life. I loved Kai, more than I'd ever loved anyone, but I couldn't help but wonder whether our soulmate bond was a result of him rescuing me and me falling head over heels on an alien planet.

Most people say that pain heals with time. Would my feelings towards him change after spending months apart? Would the pain in my heart heal if I wasn't on Zandara?

I felt nauseous at the thought, disgusted at myself for even thinking that it was a possibility but it also scared me that it could actually happen and I'd never return to Zandara.

"Daisy?" A voice startled me and I turned my head in the direction that it came from to see Kordin walking towards me.

"How are you feeling?" He spoke softly.

"Fine." I lied, covering my mouth as I struggled to contain a yawn.

"I wanted to speak to you and Emrys together but it seems his excitement has taken over. I just wanted to go over a couple of things if that's alright?"

"Ok." I nodded, before following him into an office inside the hanger.

The room was tiny, a couple of chairs and a desk, and when Kordin and I sat down, he pulled something out of his pocket and placed it down infront of me.

"I assume you still want to return when Emrys has settled on Earth?" He asked.

"I guess so." I nodded. "Although, I'm not too sure that Kai wants me to."

"I'm quite certain that that's not true. No matter what he's feeling now, I guarentee that he'll be desperate to see you after spending some time apart."

His reassurance did nothing to make me think otherwise, but I forced myself to smile and went along with it anyway.

"So, what is this thing?" I wondered, looking down at a small black box on the desk.

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