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I'd been with the aliens for a while now. Felix had taught me everything about my new 'job' and the days all seemed to come and go in a blur.

I hated it. The people that we had to prepare were non-vocal, extreamly weak and I struggled with doing what I had to do to survive.

Somehow, the alians, which I now know to be Gladarians, abducted masses of people of all different species from planets across the solar system.

Once they had them, they would hook them up to machines that extracted their blood. I wasn't allowed to see them on arrival, only after they had been drained.

Felix said that the blood they gather was used for the Gladarians survival. They survive by drinking blood and without it, their entire race would become extinct.

They didn't care for the thousands upon thousands of lives that they'd taken and I knew I had to find a way of putting a stop to it all. For now though, I had to bide my time.

If a 'subject' as they called them, survived round one, then they were given fluids and rest until they were well enough to go back into the machines for round two of blood extraction.

Most people died after the second round and very few made it past the third. The dead bodies were literally dumped down a chute and tossed into space, never to be seen again.

There was no compassion for the lives lost and even Felix didn't bat an eyelid at the absurdity of it all.

I assumed that after such a long time being here, he became used to it all, numb to the feelings he may have once had.

After I had been here for a few weeks, I was given my own little room with a small, thick rubber mat that was on the floor and bedding that I assumed was taken from Earth.

I had a shower that trickled cool water, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a few sets of grey scrubs so that I could change my clothes.

The Gladarians visited Earth frequently and everytime they did, I was given a few pieces of fruit. The rest of the time, I survived on porridge and tinned food.

There was a small room adjacent to my own where human food was stored and I had free access to it as and when I needed it. The only downside, however, was that Felix and I were not allowed to see each other in our downtime so I ate alone.

The Gladar aliens avoided me like the plague. Only a few came to my side of the ship and the ones that did interact with me were hostile at best.

I'd been beaten a few times, scraped by their clawed fingers and pushed to the ground. The only thing that kept me going was Felix but after a while, even he bacame a little distant.

He spoke to me about everything when I first arrived but now that we've gone over pretty much everything about home, our conversations were limited.

"There's a new species on the way." Felix's voice brought me out of my daze.

I looked up at him, shocked at his excitement about more people being brought to their doom. It didn't matter that it was a new species, they would end up dead anyway, just like the the rest of them.

"And you're excited?" I glared at him.

"Don't judge me, Daisy. I've been here since before you were born. Maybe one day you'll understand why this excites me."

I wasn't planning on staying here as long as Felix had and I'm pretty sure that no amount of time would ever get me excited to see new arrivals. If I couldn't figure out a way to get home, I'd already decided that I'd rather die than spend years trapped here.

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