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Daisy had been gone for a month now and every day was becoming more and more difficult.

When I flew home after leaving her on Earth, I tried to stay positive, blocking all of my feelings from tearing me apart but it was harder than I thought it would be.

I noticed that Daisy had taken my pillow and it made me smile to know that she would be able to sleep soundly with my scent to keep her calm.

I felt the same, sleeping on her side of the bed, closing my eyes each night and inhaling deeply to send myself off to sleep.

Eventually though, the sweet scent of my soulmate disappeared and the sleepless nights and the pain of being without her took hold.

My family tried to keep my spirits up and offered to keep me company, but I wanted to be alone and eventually, I locked myself away, rejecting calls and ignoring messages.


Waking up from another nightmare, I sat up in bed, sweeping my hair from my face. "Take each day at a time and stay strong." I muttered to myself.

Those words had become my mantra since I landed on Earth, but with each new day that came, I found myself slipping into a world of sorrow and pain.

Although the house that Kai had chosen for me to live in was perfect, I hated it with a passion. Nothing felt like home and I struggled to find happiness with any aspect of my life.

For the past month, I had unintentionally distanced myself from Emrys, spending the majority of my time alone in my room, hugging a stuffed bear that wore Kai's hoodie.

It was almost six-thirty, so I decided to get up and stuff my face with ice-cream, something I'd done for the past two weeks.

"We're all out." Emrys startled me as I opened the freezer door.

I turned around to see him sat at the large wooden table, coffee in hand and a frown upon his face.

"Coffee it is then." I muttered, making my way over to the coffee machine.

"What happened to you, Daisy?" Emrys mumbled, causing me to turn around and face him.

"What do you mean?"

"On Zandara, you were the only person that could get me through the day. You made sure I was ok, spent hours talking in my room and almost always had a smile on your face. Since we've been here, you've barely said a word and I've been forced to spend all of my time alone. I thought you were supposed to be helping me, but all I've done is worry about you and walk around on egg shells."

As his words sunk in, I realised how much of a bitch I had been. Yes, I was missing Kai, but it didn't give me the right to treat Emrys like shit.

I was ashamed of myself, barely making eye contact as I blinked at him. "I'm sorry, Emrys. I've been so wrapped up in myself that I haven't even given a thought as to how you must be feeling. It's just.. It's.."

"Kai?" He spoke his name for me and I nodded as a lump formed in my throat.

"I get it, Daisy. Haldon explained the whole soulmate bond to me and what would happen if you and Kai were to live on separate planets. I just don't understand why you think you have to lock yourself away instead of taking to me about it. We've been here for a month now, surely you must want to talk about something?" He spoke softly.

"I didn't think you'd want to be bothered by my problems, especially when you wasn't exactly a fan of the zaviours." I sighed.

Emrys chuckled, standing from his chair. He walked over to me and gave me a hug, rubbing my back with his hand.

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