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Haldon was talking to the receptionist with the rose coloured eyes when I got to the medical centre, and they both looked up at me when I walked inside.

"Ahh, Miss Daisy." The lady smiled.

"Hi." I returned her smile before glaring at Haldon.

He looked at me with a slight frown. "Do you mind waiting in my office? I'll be with you in a few minutes."

"Fine." I muttered, walking away.

He was acting strange and I wondered if it had anything to do with sedating Emrys.

Whatever the reason, I didn't really care. My only concern was making sure that Emrys was ok.

Reaching his office, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. Sitting down, I hunched over, resting my chin on my fist.

After a few minutes had passed, I wondered where Haldon had got to. Why did he want me here so urgently just to leave me in a room?

A painting on the back wall caught my attention and I went over to take a closer look.

It wasn't anything specific, just a multitude of colours molded together but I felt drawn to it, and I wondered how I hadn't noticed it before.

When Haldon finally walked in, I was still looking at the painting.

"Who painted this?" I asked, turning around. "It's really.." I trailed off, speechless at the sight infront of me.

"That would be me."

His voice was low, his skin shimmered more than usual and his smell was delectably irresistible.

I stood motionless, eyes unblinking as I stared in disbelief. "Kai?" I whispered.

He mirrored my stance, and after a moment, I flew towards him, arms wrapped tightly around his neck and he lifted me in the air, burying his face in my hair.

I wanted to scream and shout, lash out and hit him but all I could do was hold on tight, terrified that he'd leave if I let him go.

"Where the hell have you been?" I muttered through my sobbing. "You left a note, ignored my calls and now you've decided to show up unexpectedly? For what?"

Kai put me down and I found myself standing by the door, blocking his only exit incase he decided to run.

He sat down, jaw clenched as his eyes glazed over. He was fighting against his body, holding back his tears, struggling to hold my gaze.

"What are you doing here? Have you come to sedate me so you can ship me off to Earth? Is that why Emrys is sedated too?"

Blowing out a breath, Kai stood to his feet. "He hasn't been sedated. I told Haldon to make it up so that you'd come here."

"Come here for what? You could have come home."

"You refused to get checked over. Why would you do that? What I did.." He trailed off, looking down at the ground.

"Was an accident." I finished his sentence for him. "You lashed out in a moment of madness after everything had been chipping away at you all evening. You would never, ever hurt me intentionally and we both know that that's true. Whatever mumbo-jumbo shit you've had drilled into your mind about turning into an abuser is absolue bull shit. I don't believe it for a second and neither should you."

"But I hurt you, Daisy. You hit your head hard enough that it knocked you out and I can't live with myself for what I did."

I sighed, frustrated as I sat down on the ground with my back against the door.

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