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"Good morning."

My stomach fluttered at the sound of Kai's groggy voice behind me as I lay comfortably in his arms.

I smiled, turning on my back and then onto my side so that I could see him.

"Good morning."

His brown hair was wild, sticking up in every direction but I couldn't deny that he still looked picture perfect.

"Did you sleep well?"

I traced my finger over his bare chest with a smile. "Extreamly. I don't think I've ever slept so well in my life."

"Me neither. I felt so peaceful when I fell asleep."

"The physical exercise probably had something to do with that." My eyes met with his as I fought the grin that was toying on my lips.

"How do you feel after last night?"

"Absolutely fine."

After our time in the healing pod, Kai scanned my body with the built in scanner for any injuries. Everything was clear but he also checked the activity log for prevented injuries and he was astounded by what he read.

Without the pod, my body would have sustained horrific injuries, the worst of them being internal bleeding along with a fractured neck.

Kai was worried that he would hurt me without the pod but when we showered before bed, he noticed that the pull was gone, including the force that went with it.

"Are you hungry? We can eat in here if you'd like or we can eat with Kiara and Klaus in the eating room?"

"I don't mind." I gazed into his neon eyes. "Who else lives here?" I wondered.

"Well, at first, it was my parents, my siblings and myself. Once we were all of an appropriate age, our parents left, then Kordin and then Kintel. Now that I have you, we will leave and whoever is here last will keep the home for their children."

"So when you find your soulmate, you have to move on?"

"Yes, that's how it's always been."

I raised my brows. "On Earth, the parents keep the house and their children move out.. or foster kids in my case."

"Or they run away." Kai frowned, looking down at me.

"You saw that?"

His comment surprised me. I knew he had visions of me but I had no idea about the things his visions had shown him.

Kai closed his eyes and sighed. "Mhm, I did."

"That wasn't my finest hour but I wouldn't have been abducted if I wasn't in London."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Wouldn't you have preferred to not be abducted?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I'd endure every miserable second again if it meant I could be here with you."

Kai leaned in and placed a single kiss on the top of my head.

"You are incredible."

We lay in bed for a little bit longer before deciding to go to the 'eating room'.

Kai had one of the clothing machines that Kiara had, so I quickly chose a floaty green summer dress and a pair of white trainers before leaving.

Kai wore a pair of grey joggers and a white t-shirt and I wondered if he would wear the same outfit everyday.

"Good morning, lovers." Kiara sang as we entered the eating room.

I blushed but Kai draped his arm over my shoulder proudly. "And a good morning it is."

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