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I was running through a field. My shoes were missing, the ground beneath my feet was cold and damp, and the uneven terrain was awful to navigate through.

I could barely see where I was going under the pitch black skies and the only sound that I could hear was the heavy breaths that ripped through my chest.

Looking over my shoulder, two yellow eyes glowed in the distance, getting closer and closer with every second that passed.

They had found me. The gladarians were alive and were here to take revenge.

Kai had been captured, and with my hand supporting my baby bump, I fought hard to stay on my feet and get away.


"Kai?" I breathed, stopping in my tracks. "Kai, where are you?"

Two hands grabbed my shoulders and as I turned around to see who it was, I let out a gut-wrenching scream.

"Get off me! Let me go!"

"Daisy?" Kai's voice became louder, and as I wriggled out of the grip of the gladarian monster, night turned to day and my eyes shot open.

Kai was hovering over me, his hands gently shaking me awake as I gasped for air.

"Hey, hey, it was just a dream, I'm here, I'm here." He soothed, scooping me up in his protective arms.

My heart was racing, my body trembling and I took a deep breath, slowly calming myself as I inhaled the sweet scent of my soulmate.

"I thought the nightmares would stop." I whispered, feeling the warmth of Kai's chest on my cheek.

He ran his hand up and down my back, kissing my forehead as he let out a sigh.

"You were sound asleep when I woke up. I went to use the bathroom, I was only gone a minute and when I came back, I could feel your fear."

"Maybe you should hold it until I wake up next time?" I chortled, making light of the situation.

"Were they that bad when you were on Earth?"

I nodded my head. "Almost every night."


I could feel the fear radiating off of her. Knowing that she endured those nightmares, every single night, all alone without anyone to soothe her made me feel nauseous.

My stomach churned and a sense of helplessness washed over me.

"I'm so sorry, Daisy. This is my fault, all of it."

Her body tensed in my arms, looking up at me with a frown.

"What, because you went to the toilet while I was asleep?"

"No. It was me that sent you away and now because of that, you've sustained months of suffering and even now, you can't escape the nightmares."

"Kai." Daisy spoke softly, sitting up and placing her tiny hand on my cheek. "This is because of the gladarians, not you. The nightmares are always about them because of what they did. Please don't blame yourself for any of this."

I sighed, closing my eyes as I rested my head against hers.

"I love you so much. I think we should speak to Haldon.. See if he can help with the nightmares?" I suggested.

A soft laugh escaped her lips. "I'll be fine. You are my remedy. I'm sure the nightmares will stop once my subconscious remembers I'm back home."

As much as I wanted Daisy to see Haldon, I didn't want to argue about it, reluctantly agreeing with her optimism.

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