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"How are you feeling?" Kiara asked as I stepped inside the house.

"A little bit of everything at the moment."

"Oh, Daisy." She breathed, engulfing me in a tight embrace.

"You'll set me off in a minute." I muttered.

"Come on, let's sit and have a chat before Klaus and Atlas come back."

She began walking towards the living room and I quickly followed behind.

We sat down on the sofa and Kiara looked down at me with a sympathetic smile.

"I can't believe you're actually leaving Zandara. You've become a part of our family now, it's going to be strange without you."

"I can hardly believe it myself. I turned my back on Earth, happy to spend the rest of my life here and as much as I'd like to stay, I know that I can't."

"You'll definitely come back though, won't you?"

I raised a brow. "Did you really just ask me that?"

"Well somebody has to. You might change your mind after a month or two, you never know."

"Do you think that Kai will ever forgive himself, or believe that this gene isn't real?" I frowned.

"I've decided to look into this gene theory. I don't think he will ever have peace of mind until it is proven that he isn't defective. He's a very stubborn guy, but I won't stop until you're back here where you belong."

"Do you think you'll find anything?" I wondered, latching on to a glimmer of hope that Kiara would be able to find something.

"I hope so. It all stemmed from something that happened years ago with stories being passed down through generations. I can imagine that things were added, words were twisted or bits and pieces were left out. I'm pretty sure that no one has bothered digging deeper to find the truth so I'll see what I can do."

What she just described was a typical game of Chinese whispers, a game that I used to enjoy when I was in school.

"I can't thank you enough. Without you, I doubt that Kai and I would ever be able to go back to how we were."

Her features softened as she took my hand in hers. "Like I said, we're family now. You and Kai deserve to be happy, and after everything you've both been through, I can't stand back and do nothing."

"I'm really going to miss you." My voice cracked as my tears began to flow.

"I'll miss you too." Kiara sniffed, and we both chuckled, wiping away our tears.

My wristband chimed and my pulse quickened when I saw who was calling.

"It's Kordin." I looked up at Kiara.

"Answer it." She insisted, nodding her head.

"Hi, Kordin." I muttered into my wrist.

"Hey, Daisy. I've managed to set everything in motion for your return to Earth. Can we meet this afternoon to go over a few things?"

"Umm, yes, of course." I nodded, looking up at Kiara.

"I can come to you if you're ok with that, unless you'd prefer to come to me?"

"Either is fine. I'm just with Kiara at the minute but I can meet you at my house when I'm done here?"

"I can come to you now then if that's alright? I'm travelling past Kiara's in the next ten minutes so it makes sense to come to you now." He stated.

"Yes, ok then. I'll see you soon."

I ended the call and looked at Kiara. "Do you think I'll be leaving tonight?"

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