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Kai's POV

I regretted storming off like I did but looking at Daisy, seeing the dark blue bruises that littered her body and knowing that she endured brutal violence made me snap.

I had to make Felix suffer the way Daisy did, so I left her.. again. And now, I'm the one that has to sit and watch, day after day as she slowly recovers from her ordeal.

It's been eighteen days since Haldon sedated her and each day, the bruises fade and she almost looks like nothing ever happened now.

When I heard her respond when we were on the ship, I knew she was suffering.

We stormed the gladarian ship immediately and when I found her, I thought she was gone.

My heart stopped, a gut wrenching void in the pit of my stomach but when I heard her faint breathing, I knew she would be ok. She's a fighter, an incredible one too.

I was afraid to touch her and when I pulled her out of the machine and lay her limp body on the ground, I was morified by the extent of her injuries.

Her ribcage had multiple broken bones, her cheek had a nasty, deep wound and her eye was swollen to the point that she couldn't open it.

Her arms were full of bruises and she was pale white and cold to the touch.

How she was still breathing was mind blowing but as soon as we had a clear path of mutilated gladarian bodies, I rushed her to my ship and got her home.

When Haldon gave me the long list of Daisy's injuries, I told Kiara to stay with her and I got to work on Felix.

My goal was to break seven ribs, break his eye socket, break his nose, fracture his arm, multiple lacerations to his face, a collapsed lung and internal bleeding.

If Daisy had to deal with that, then so could Felix.

Some may call me evil but I would disagree. I was an angry, vengeful man and my soulmate was on the verge of death because one man.. monster.. wouldn't accept defeat.

Daisy didn't deserve any of this so it was my mission to inflict pain on Felix for each day that she spent healing.

I was sitting by the pod, watching her sleep when Haldon came in to check on her.

"How's she doing?"

"She's doing well. A few more days and we should be able to wake her up. We could wake her up now but there's still a slight fracture to one of her ribs which will cause her some discomfort for a few weeks."

I raised a brow, mulling it over but I didn't want her to feel an ounce of pain when she woke up so I decided against it.

"No. Let her heal."

Haldon nodded and went to leave the room but as he reached the door, he paused and turned around to face me.

"Forgive me for intruding, Commander but as a medic, I must reccomend that you find some time to rest. You look incredibly tired and she'll need you fighting fit once we wake her."

He sounded like my mother and I chuckled for the first time since Daisy was abducted again.

"Thanks, Medic, I'll rest tomorrow." I gave him a simple nod and he exited the room.

I checked the time and realised it was time to pay Felix a visit.

Glancing down at Daisy, I reached into the pod and gently stroked her hair before closing the dome over the top of her.

Nobody, other than Kordin, knew that Felix was still alive. Everyone thought that I had killed him a few days after he was brought back to Zandara.

Kiara would arrive at twenty hours each day thinking that I was going home to rest but instead, I spent a few hours with Felix.

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