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"She's dying."

"She's not gonna make it."

"What have they done?"

"Her pulse is weak."

"Come on, Daisy, stay with me baby."

"Tie him up, he's coming with us."

"I need to get Hayley."

"Blow these fuckers out of the sky."

I could hear things around me, faint conversations that sounded like an echo.

I didn't know what was happening but I felt peaceful. Was I dead? Was this heaven?

My body tingled and the voices I could hear started getting louder. My chest was tight and an agonising pain suddenly shot through my ribs.

This wasn't heaven, this was hell. Chaos filled my ears, screaming, raised voices and panic all around me.

What the fuck was this?

I peeled one of my eyes open and my head rolled to the side.

I was lay on the floor, mutiple sets of feet surrounding me but I couldn't figure out what was happening.

I couldn't focus on anything and my vision wasn't quite right. I tried to lift my head but I was too weak, my body drained and in a world of pain.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, I wasn't aware of my surroundings but everything eventually fell quiet and I heard him.

"Dazna, take my seat. Kiara, I need you to help me. Here, connect this to her arm, she needs blood now."


Was he really here? Had he rescued me?

I felt a sharp prick in my arm and then my cheek tingled, overriding the pain so that I barely felt it.

I fought as hard as I could to open my eyes and when I managed to open one of them, I saw Kiara sitting beside me, covered in blood.

"Daisy? Kai, she's awake." Her voice trembled.

"Daisy? I'm here baby, I'm here."

"Gemma and Hayley." My voice was barely a whisper but I had to know if they had been rescued.

"What?" He seemed confused.

I closed my eyes, exhauted and reached out with my mind instead. At least this way I could speak to him properly.

The two humans, Gemma and Hayley who I was originally abducted with were on the ship. Where are they?

I don't know. They could be on another one of our ships, I'm not sure.

Dazna. Ask him about Gemma. He said he would look after her for me.

"Commander, do we have permission to take off?" I heard Granteon. His voice was firm, yet gentle and I wondered if that was for my benefit.

"Negative. She isn't stable enough yet."

Please, take me home.

You're not stable enough. I need to get some more blood into you first.

I feel like I'm dying, Kai. Please, just take me home.

"Get her home, now!" Kai demanded.

I drifed back into unconsciousness as the ship began to move and I didn't wake up until I was back on Zandara.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been out for but I ached all over. I groaned when I opened my eyes, blinking slowly as my eyes adjusted to the light.

My body was strapped down and a drip was attached to my arm. I was alone inside a pod. It was either a bone regeration pod or a healing pod but because they looked the same, I wasn't sure which one.

My Alien SoulmateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon