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"Are you sure you want to come inside, my love?" Kai asked me for the millionth time as we pulled up to the cells.

"I'm sure." I reassured him.

Taking my hand in his, he led me towards the door. Kordin and Haldon were already inside, setting up the drugs that would be pumped into Felix's body.

"This is your last chance to wait in the shuttle."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Really?"

He sighed, almost as if he had been defeated and I wondered why he didn't seem to want me to witness Felix's death.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

We stepped inside and the first thing I saw was Medic Haldon filling a syringe.

I thought I may have felt a little bit sad at what was about to happen but I didn't. My feelings hadn't changed in the slightest.

Kordin kept his attention solely on Haldon and I passed them silently, walking over to Felix.

The only sound was my shoes, echoing with each step that I took.

"So, this is how it ends." Felix stated, standing close to the bars of his cage.

"I'm assuming you're ready for this?"

"Do you really think I'd choose life on this filthy planet, locked in a dingy cage for the rest of my days when I have the option to end it all?" He spat.

"Why not? It would be more than you deserve "

"Just breathing the same air as you lot makes me sick. At least once I'm gone, I'll be free of this disgusting body and I'll be back with my own kind."

"The only place you'll be going is to hell. No doubt the devil will shudder when you arrive."

"Anywhere is better than this."

"Well, in that case, I bid you farewell. I'd like to say it's been a pleasure, but.. we all know that I'd be lying."

"Indeed. My only regret is not killing you when I had the chance. At least you won't ever forget me. I hope I have succeeded in haunting your dreams at night and that you suffer each time you close your eyes."

"I'm living the dream, Felix. I sleep completely sound. Thanks to you, I have found my soulmate and I have a loving family that care for me more than anything. So thank you, Felix. Because of you, my life has never been better." I smirked, knowing that he couldn't ever hurt me again.

"Why don't you step inside this cage and say it to me again? I guarantee that I'd wipe that smirk right off of your face."

"Or I could step inside the cage instead?" Kai growled, intimidating Felix as he gulped, taking a step back.

"I didn't think so." He muttered through clenched teeth.

Snaking his arm around my waist, Kai led me to a small bench that was opposite the cell next to the one that Felix was in.

"This shouldn't take long." Kai stated, sitting beside me as Haldon and Kordin unlocked the cage and stepped inside with Felix.

Felix kept his eyes on me and I held his gaze, expressionless, as Kai placed his hand on my knee.

I heard Haldon mumble something, but I didn't focus on what he was saying. Felix nodded, his eyes dark as he focused all of his attention on me.

I felt like he was playing some sort of twisted game and I refused to look away first, my stubbornness getting the better of me.

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