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"Good morning, beautiful." Kai chimed when I opened my eyes.

It took me a minute to wake up properly but once I had come to my senses, I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes before looking up a Kai with a grin.

"What's all this?" I chuckled, waving my hands around the room.

While I was sleeping, bunches of flowers had been placed around the room in beautiful glass vases. Two trays, crammed with an array of food were at the foot of the bed and I licked my lips, excited to sample some more of the foods from this planet.

"Umm, flowers and food." He stated.

I shook my head.

"I know that. But why? What's all this in aid of?"

"Am I not allowed to spoil my soulmate?"

"Of course you are.. but why?"

He came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I just want you to know that I love you. With everything that's happened and everything that you've given up for me, I don't think you've properly processed it all yet. When you do, I want you to see that it wasn't for nothing and that what we have, it's special. My feelings for you are on another level. I'll never know if you feel the same because you're not a zaviour, but I trust that what we have is a forever bond and spoiling my soulmate is just a small fraction of what you mean to me."

"Oh, Kai. You mean everything to me. I can see that your love for me isn't just a fleeting moment and that what we have is forever. I may not be a zaviour, but I know that what I feel for you is real and the love we share is eternal. I can feel your emotions, every last one of them and I can assure you that I have the same amount of love for you as you have for me."

His shimmering skin seemed to glow that little bit brighter as his smile grew on his face. My stomach fluttered when his hand touched mine and I smiled back at him, blushing slightly under his gaze.

"I can hear your heart beating faster."

"That's the effect you have on me." I breathed.

"Maybe later, I can have a different kind of effect on you."

His flirtatious grin had me choking on air and he chuckled loudly.

"Come on. Have some breakfast and then I'll take you to see those friends of yours."

My eyes widened as I swiped my wrist before remembering that I no longer had a wristband.

"What time is it? I totally forgot." I asked with urgency.

"We've got time. Relax."

I didn't feel like relaxing. I wanted to gobble down whatever Kai had brought me for breakfast and get to Gemma and Hayley so that I could spend some time with them before they left.

After eating everything infront of us, Kai cleared away the mess while is quickly showered.

I felt a little sluggish after over indulging but I still managed to be ready within an hour.

"Who is taking the girls home?" I wondered as Kai and I stepped into the shuttle.

"That would be Granteon, Kiara, Charlie and Dazna. I would normally travel with them but Dazna has taken my place."


"Because I'd rather be here with you. Plus the fact that they know Dazna and they would be better travelling with a familiar face."

"Mmm, I suppose that makes sense. How will they get to Earth? Will they park the ship on land or something?"

"A small, cloaked craft will take them from the ship once they reach Earth and under the cover of darkness, Dazna will drop them off close to their homes."

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