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After sobering up and switching to a more appropriate drink, the night was going well.

Kai was by my side for the most part, with Klaus on the other whenever his head spinning sent him dizzy.

I'd come to notice that spinning on his head was his most favoured party trick, with the worm coming up in second place.

He loved the attention and making people laugh, always so lively and brought alot of fun to the party.

I was feeling a little hot after Kiara had dragged me onto the dance floor, and after a long ten minutes, Atlas came over to give me a break.

"Thank you." I muttered, giving him a thumbs up.

"Why won't you dance with me?" I pouted when I got back to the table.

"Dacing isn't a skill that comes naturally to me." Kai chuckled.

"It doesn't come naturally to Daisy either." Klaus chirrped, moving his body around in an uncoordinated manner.

"Is that supposed to be me?" I scoffed, crossing my arms around myself.

"Did you like it?" He smirked.


"Then it was absolutely you, your dancing is abysmal."

Kai stifled a laugh, disguising it with a cough.

"It's called having fun, maybe you should try it some time." I narrowed my eyes down at him, hands on my hips.

"Hey, don't come at me, he started it." Kai huffed, digging Klaus in the arm.

I laughed lightly as Klaus whined, rubbing his arm dramatically as he looked up at me.

"You see that, Daisy? Look what your dancing caused."

"That was your mouth, I'm sure you'll get over it." Kai chortled.

"I'm just going outside, I need some air." I smiled at Kai.

"Wait for me, I'll come with you." He shuffled out from behind the table.

The cool evening breeze felt amazing on my slightly clammy skin, gently swirling around and fanning my face.

I walked half way down the steps before coming to a stop.

"Do you think we should speak to Haldon?" I asked Kai, voice low incase anybody heard me.

He stepped towards me, a wide smile on his face as his hands came to rest on my waist. "I'm not sure we need to."

With the added height from my boots and with Kai on a lower step, he was only a little bit taller than me.

I looked into his eyes, unsure of what he meant. "Why not?"

He paused for a moment before leaning in, planting a single kiss on my lips.


"The red-head." He grinned, making no sense whatsoever.

"What about the red-head?" I muttered, brows creased. "Is she some sort of baby expert?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

"I want you to meet her. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but since we're on the subject, you may as well meet her now."

"Why do you want me to meet her?" I wondered.

"You'll see." Kai smiled.

We made our way back up the stairs, and while Kai went and fetched the red-head, I sat on a sofa wondering why the hell she was so significant.

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