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Kai was fast asleep when I woke up and I felt disgusting, all sweaty from the sweltering heat and sticky from out pre-sleep activity.

I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, stopping by the walk-in wardrobe to grab a towel.

Switching on the shower, I set the temperature to cool before stepping under the water and groaning out loud.

I'd forgotten how intense the water pressure was, loving every second of it massaging my body as I stood there motionless.

Reaching for the bodywash, I stepped out of the waters flow, lathering myself up until I was covered in sweet smelling bubbles.

Once I had rinsed them off, I quickly washed my hair before Kai's voice entered my mind.

You've seriously got to stop doing this.

Doing what? I wondered.

Leaving me to snooze and wake up alone.

I turned off the shower and wrapped my towel around me before heading to the sink to brush my teeth.

You'd be grateful this time, I was a stinking mess.

Daisy, my love, you could never be a stinking mess and even if you were, I'm sure you'd still be beautiful.

My heart swelled at his sweet words, how did I ever get so lucky?

I quickly rinsed my mouth out and opened the bathroom door to find Kai standing in the doorway with a cute grin across his face.

My heart skipped a beat when my eyes landed on his naked body, lapping up the sight of his perfectly chiseled muscles.

"Oh my." I breathed, frozen to the spot.

He took at step towards me as I sucked in a breath.

"Klaus is on his way." He mumbled, before kissing my lips softly and slowly stepping around me.

I let out a slight groan as I walked into the bedroom, slightly disappointed that I couldn't join him in the shower.

Realising that I had no clothes, I headed to the clothing machine and picked out a pair of white shorts and and strappy yellow top.

Matching yellow underwear came next with a pair of grey sliders.

It was far too hot for anything more, and if we weren't expecting guests, I'd have chosen the underwear on it's own.

I decided to leave my hair to dry on it's own, too lazy to do anything with it so I quickly got myself dressed and headed down the stairs.

The moment my bottom hit the sofa, the doorbell rang, and then it rang again and again and again.

I smiled widely, knowing exactly who it was, making my way to the front door and opening it up.

"Klaus!" I squealed, excited to see him.

He was leaning against the porch, clearly trying to keep his cool before a grin formed on his face.

"Alright.. I missed you, bring it in." He chortled, embracing me in a warm hug.

"I missed you too." I mumbled into his chest. "Thank you for bringing my things, I really appreciate it."

"No probs, little one."

Stepping back, he held me at arms length as he looked me up and down.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Just checking there's no injuries. I know how accident prone you are so I was expecting you to come home with at least one broken bone."

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