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Oh, no, he's at it again, I thought to myself as I approached Emrys' room.

Every time I came to see him, he seemed to be in the middle of a heated discussion with Haldon.

I wasn't sure what approach he used when it came to Emrys, but I knew that it wasn't the right one.

If he wanted to form some sort of positive relationship with him, then he'd have to act more like Kai and a little less like himself.

"I need to get out of this room. I can't stay here anymore. It's driving me insane." Emrys yelled as I walked into his room.

"Let's get you out of here then." I smiled.

He looked over at me and threw his arms up in the air. "Thank God, my angel has arrived."

"I wouldn't exactly call myself an angel." A tight lipped smile crossed my face.

"You're the only one who has my back in here. Without you, I wouldn't have hope, so yes, you are an angel." Emrys chimed.

I looked down at the ground, guilt seeping in, knowing that I wasn't an angel and I didn't have his back like he thought I did.

"Before you go anywhere, I need to check you over. I'm under strict instructions to not let you go without the all clear." Haldon looked over at me with a sympathetic smile.

"Why? What happened?" Emrys frowned.

"Oh, nothing serious. I accidently hit my head, that's all." I muttered.

"Twice in two days? Blimey, I've never known someone to be so clumsy." He chuckled.

"This won't take long. We'll be out of here soon." I stated, following Haldon out of the room.

He took me to the scanner that I used when he scanned me to find the tracker that was embedded in my spine. I shuddered at the thought but pushed it out of my mind so that I could focus on getting out of there.

"You said that you were under strict instructions to check me over?" I turned to Haldon as he closed the door behind us.

"That's right." He nodded.

"Who's instructions?" I wondered.

He tensed up for a moment. He clearly wasn't expecting me to question him and it gave me hope that Kai had spoken to him.

"I.. Um.." he stuttered.

"It was Kai, wasn't it?"

"I'm not allowed to say." He muttered.

"Well in that case, please inform whoever gave you your instructions that I won't be getting scanned, unless they come here and force me into the scanner themselves."

His eyes widened, shocked that I refused to cooperate and he stood there, motionless as I walked out of the room and back to Emrys.

I didn't see Haldon again and I hoped and prayed that it was Kai who instructed him to check me over.

If he knew that I was rebelling against him, I hoped that it would force him out of hiding so that I could see him again.

"Ready to go?" I smiled at Emrys as I popped my head into his room.

"Yes!" He beamed, practically running for the door.

Walking down the corridor, I realised that Emrys wasn't exactly dressed for the freezing temperature outside.

"We're going to have to get you something else to wear."

Looking down at his thin, grey, medical centre outfit, he quirked a brow.

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