Chapter 4: Catch and Release

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5 Years Ago 2:30 AM

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5 Years Ago 2:30 AM

The neon lights of the convenient store flickered as Brandon Sheffield tried calling his brother for the third time.

"C'mon pick up," he begged anxiously into the phone.

He exhaled in relief when his brother picked up.

"What do you want?" the voice on the other end of the line asked, annoyance threaded in his tone.

"You're supposed to come in tonight to relieve me from my shift. Where are you?" Brandon complained.

"Something came up. I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? I've already been working for over eight hours!" Brandon looked up as the door dinged, signaling a new customer.

A tall balding man wearing a coat in the middle of a hot summer night glanced his way. Brandon swallowed a knot of unease as he took in the man's shifty eyes and the slick of sweat on his forehead.

"I told you. Something came up, Brandon. Just finish the shift for me."

Brandon sighed in frustration. "I can't always cover for you. It's not fair to me. Get over here, now."

"Listen, I had a couple beers. I can't seem to make it to work. You know how it is."

"You've been drinking!" Brandon whispered loudly into the phone, while trying to keep an eye out on the suspicious customer.

"What do you want from me? It's not that big of a deal. Just work the shift and I'll work one of yours another day! Stop acting like a little bitch."

The balding man stepped towards the counter and Brandon relayed one last message over the phone, "You owe me. Big time!"

He pressed the button to disconnect the call before forcing a smile on his face. "Find everything you need?"

"You here by yourself?" the man asked Brandon, ignoring his question.

Employees were trained to never admit to being alone in the store.

"No, sir. My manager and another worker are in the back. Did you need help with something?"

Brandon saw hesitation flicker in the man's eyes. He hoped the man didn't ask to speak with the manager because his manager was probably at home sleeping.

"Nah." The man waved his hand in the air, his eyes darting from the register to the cigarettes behind Brandon. He placed a case of bottled beer on the counter. "I also need a pack of cigarettes. Give me a ticket too."

Brandon pulled one of the lottery tickets from its case.

"Tonight just might be my lucky night," the man said, grinning. He waved the ticket in the air before leaving the store.

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