Chapter 11: Saving Grace

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Salutations my dear friend. I have a confession to make. Do not fear. It does not involve murder. I would hate to become too predictable. Today, I found myself wandering to the park again. It was as if my legs were being controlled by some unknown force. Perhaps it was the beast.

I am quite happy with finding myself in the park as I was able to see her again. Upon further reflection, I can only describe her as plain. She is not a great beauty with her brown hair and eyes, but I am still drawn to her. I have heard that when lovers have been together long enough, they begin to become more and more like one another. Perhaps if she was my mate, I too would display the traits of being average and normal. The beast is crying out for her, my friend. What kind of owner would I be to not listen to his pet?

As I watched her drawing in her books, I discovered some interesting facts about her. She listens to classic rock. She was humming to the tune of an old song called Killer Queen. My friend, I shall not tell I lie, I almost could not hide my excitement and it is a lucky thing that we were in a public place.

Today, I also noticed that today drew a person crouched on the floor with a group of demons surrounding the figure. Somehow this drawing spoke to me. I do not have a demon but a beast. Some may say the beast is a demon but I do not think he is evil. He is merely selfish. He wants what he wants so that's what he gets. Unfortunately for others, he wants their deaths.

She seems peaceful. As if she could teach me how to become peaceful as well. I want that. No, I crave it. I need it. I cannot continue this life and perhaps she will be my saving grace. Ironies are quite lovely are they not? Her name is Grace.

How do I know this, you ask?

I heard a male call towards her. His exact words were, "Grace, class is almost over. Let's go back."

I will assume that he is a classmate. If he is not, the beast may need to take drastic action. There is a small art school nearby. Perhaps she is a student. I have never been one to enjoy art with the exception of a beautiful kill. However, perhaps I shall make an exception.

My saving Grace is waiting for me. Just writing that caused a shiver of pleasure to run down my spine. The beast is content, therefore I am as well.

Yours until death, O

Lucy closed the journal and let the words sink in. He had learned her name. That foreign feeling she felt when she read the first entry about the mysterious woman in the park seemed to grow. Lucy looked at the journal and sighed. Against her better judgment she had pulled out the journal and read another entry. She wanted to read a third but forced herself not to.

"Willpower, Lucy," she reminded herself.

For her, staying sober was a daily battle and she realized that she started to turn other things into small battles as a way to test herself. She would never eat more than two slices of pizza, or let herself watch more than two hours of television, and now she didn't want herself to read more than two entries at a time from the journal. Lucy couldn't help her curiosity. She wanted to learn more about the kind of woman O was interested in.

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