Chapter 10: Late Night Activities

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A beat of annoyance drummed inside Lucy who couldn't help but sneer as she asked, "Women? Your addiction is women? Didn't Donna say you have a girlfriend?"

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A beat of annoyance drummed inside Lucy who couldn't help but sneer as she asked, "Women? Your addiction is women? Didn't Donna say you have a girlfriend?"

Holden shrugged. "I didn't say I'm proud of it."

"Really? Because it sounds like you are."

Holden smirked. "Get your mind out of the trash. I'm talking about dead women. My current case has only had female victims. Should I have said I'm addicted to dead bodies? That probably sounds worse."

Lucy's breath hitched in her throat. She leaned closer to Holden and lowered her voice. "This is for the murderer they call O?"

Holden shook his head in disappointment.  "Look at you being so interested in murders. It's weird."

"No, it's not."

"I don't know a lot of women who love to hear about murder."

"There are literally tons of podcasts run by women who talk about nothing but murder. Women love true crime stories. So, do you have any leads?"

"That's not something I would share with you."

"But we made cupcakes together," Lucy said mockingly.

"Too bad."

Lucy stood up to leave the meeting which was already ending. "Well, it was interesting seeing you here but I have to go."

"You're going to just leave me here alone?" Holden asked, looking around.

Lucy laughed. "Somehow, I think you'll be okay. Besides, I have to catch the bus."

"I can give you a ride home," Holden offered.

Lucy thought it strange that he'd become so friendly all of a sudden.  "Listen, I don't mean to be rude but I have a boyfriend."

Holden's eyes widened and he couldn't help but grin. "Thank you for the update but I'm not trying to hit on you."

Lucy's cheeks flushed. "I didn't mean it that way. I just...well I do have a boyfriend and it would be awkward for me to get a ride home from you."

"Why is that?" Holden smiled. "Is it because I'm a man? Because I'm handsome? I know. It must be because I'm a handsome man."

Lucy couldn't help but scowl at his lame joke. "I hope you have health insurance Detective Lahr, because I think you're suffering from a bad case of narcissism."

Holden laughed and asked, "Are you sure I can't give you a ride? I promise it's not to hit on you. I want to ask you some questions about the people who attend these meetings."

Lucy thought it over, pursing her lips. "Why did you compare your addiction to a beast inside you?"

Holden's brows rose in surprise. "Just now?"

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