Chapter 16: Late Night

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Salutations my dear friend,

I have been reduced to a sobbing mess. What have I done? My Grace is gone. I cannot believe it. My mind knows this to be true. But my heart. My traitorous heart refuses to believe my Grace is truly gone. How could I let the beast hurt her? The weight of what he has done is finally hitting me. For hours, I have paced the floor, letting my anger fuel my sleep-deprived body into taking one step after another as I try to erase the image of her with another man. It would not go away!

I am a failure. My weak attempt to calm the beast has failed.

No longer can I deny it...Grace is dead. She will soon be food for the worms. I can hear the beast growling inside me, victorious as she seemed the only way to calm him. His venomous tongue is licking away at my black soul. He is egging me on. She betrayed us. She deserved to die. Oh how I wish I could silence him.

Perhaps Grace and I could have worked past this misunderstanding? Perhaps that man was forcing himself upon her. The beast laughed at this thought for no woman would moan in ecstasy if she were being attacked. And Grace had moaned quite a few times. I had to finally agree with the beast just to stop him from taunting me any longer.

Still, my heart hurts. If only I could pull the disloyal muscle from my body. I would do it in a second.

My heart is about to explode. What is happening, my dear friend? What is wrong with me? Oh, how I wish I could undo last night. Is this regret? Please forgive me for the tears that stain your pages. I cannot stop them from flowing. If only I could drown myself in them...I would. I would do anything to escape the beast. Anything.

Yours until death, O

Lucy stared at the short cursive letters she now associated with O. His writing looked a bit different than usual-- almost frenzied. She recalled a magazine article she'd read about emotions having the ability to change a person's handwriting. Lucy wondered if O's handwriting changed when the beast wasn't tormenting him.

She could almost imagine O writing this entry, his nose running, his cheeks wet, and his breathing labored. She'd been so engrossed in this entry that she jumped when her cell phone rang.

"Lucy goosey, where are you?"

"Dillon?" Lucy looked at her watch. Jake had just left to go bowling with his friends.

"What are you doing while your boyfriend is bowling tonight?" Dillon asked.

Lucy could hear loud music through the phone. "Where are you at?"

"Hypnotic. You want to join us?" Dillon said loudly, attempting to be heard over the music.


"Me and some friends. C'mon Lucy know you want to. If you don't, you'll be home alone."

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