Chapter 22: Long Night

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Jake stared at Lucy in disbelief

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Jake stared at Lucy in disbelief. "O? As in the serial killer O?"

Lucy nodded, swallowing the lump of sadness that was lodged in her throat.

Jake looked away from her. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Why would I joke about this?" Lucy asked, taking a step closer to him.

"I don't know. I just asked you to marry me and you're telling me no because of some murderer that's out on the loose. Does this make any sense? What does he have to do with us?"

"Because he's after me, Jake!"

"Why would he be after you? Does that make any sense to you? Because it doesn't make sense to me. If you don't want to marry me, just say so."

"I do want to marry you. I love you, Jake."

"I bet I'm the only guy that's been rejected because of a serial killer."

"Are you even listening to me? I'm telling you that I have a serial killer after me!" Lucy watched as Jake closed the velvet box and put it in his pocket. "Jake, I love you."

"It's all right, Lucy. In a way I kind of expected this. My buddies told me it was probably hard for you to be without me for a week at a time. They warned me that it ruins relationships. I guess I should've listened."

"Why won't you believe me?"

"Because I don't understand you."

"I have to tell you the truth. I'm sorry I kept it from you, but I was afraid."


"Yes. I was afraid to tell you what was going on because I was afraid that you'd get angry with me."

Jake waited for her to continue. Lucy took a deep breath. "Remember that antique desk I found? Well, I found something in it. A diary."

"A diary?"

"Yes. A diary. And it had some secrets written in it. Lots of secrets."

"Did you read it?" Jake asked.

"I did," she whispered.

"What kind?" Jake asked.

"What kind of what?"

"What kind of secrets? You said it had secrets. What kind? Like secrets about people having affairs? Government secrets? What kind?"

"Secrets about murder," Lucy answered. "At first I thought it was by a wannabe writer. But they were all signed O."

"Like the serial killer," Jake whispered.

"Like the serial killer," Lucy confirmed. "It had dates of when he killed people and places too."

Jake looked at her as if she had grown a second head. "Did you give it to the cops?"

"Not at first," Lucy admitted.

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