Ruveta did something bad...

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Narrator: Whilst Sarvin was learning French, juggling children, and scoring 10s of touchdowns, Ruveta was doing other stuff, stuff that was terrible for her like drinking and street fighting. Something her mother would never allow.

Ruveta's POV: This guy... he reminds me of that 8th grader I beat up in 5th grade. If it's him I am dead meat, or maybe not, I am a lot stronger now, he probably is too but I can lift Peter, he weighs like 135 kilograms.

*heavy sigh* If I could tackle this bastard once, I can do it again. He's strong though and he's WAAAAAY  taller than me too... I'm 5'11, and he's like 6'5, am I ground beef or a dead girl? We'll find out soon enough.

I take a sip of my slushie and place it in someone's hands. I'm f******g pissed and ready to fight, this would also be a good time to release my... pent up anger.

He charges at me for first attack, but I dodge it easily. I head lock him but I take a swift punch to the face. With his face still on me I notice he pulls out a pocket knife, "OH SHI-"  I guess I was too late with that cause he stabbed me in the arm...

Narrator: As Ruveta winces in pain, he took an opportunity to brutally scratch and stab at her right eye. When he finished, the 12th grade bastard walks off but is quickly arrested by Officer Piter, leaving Ruveta bleeding on the floor, unconscious, and now blind in her right eye. People scrambled to find an ambulance or some napkins, and what not. Like I said Ruveta's eye was scratched blind and with a 3-4 inch cut on her right eyelid, sealing it shut. She'd been brutally beaten but that's okay, it will only make her stronger.

3 days later

Ruveta's POV: What the flying fudge happened? Where am I? What time is it? Better yet... what's for lunch?

A young nurse stood in the doorway looking at me curiously, "Oh goodie! You're up now! Are you feeling okay? Do you remember what happened?  Are you thinking c-" "No. Ask. Can't. Think... SANDWICH. Hu-Hungry." "You want a sandwich??? Ham or Turkey?" "T-T-T-T-Tu-Turkey." "Okay sweet-pea, I'll get that done for ya. Do you remember your name, how old you are, or your birthday?" "R-Ru-Ruv-Veta." "Ruv...Ruveta?" "Да, Рувета." At least she understands my stuttering lol... "When's your birthday?" This is going to be very hard. "O-o-o-o-o-oct-t-tob-ber t-t-twenty f-f-f-f-fifth-" "Write it down hun." 'October 25, 1985, that's about as far as I remember. I'm also from Rus.'

"Okay you're about 13 and you're Russian what languages do you speak, since your English is bad right now?" 'German, Russian, and Spanish' "Okay I'll get a translator, you stay right there-" "Sammich." "And your sandwich ok."

A week later
Sarvin's POV: Ruveta man, she just doesn't listen.

I sit in the waiting room of NYC Emergency Hospital, listening for my name to be called... This girl man...

My thoughts were interrupted with my own name "Sarvin J. Jhonson, you can see Ruveta now..." I made my way up and down the long, long, long hallway until I finally found her room. "Hey, you o-" "SARVIN!" I guess her speech has gotten better, she can actually say my name now. "Did you bring anything?" "Actually, yes, yes I did... BIRRA TACOS!" "YAAAAY!" "Chow down. Eat as much as you want." "What about you?" "I ate at noon I'm-" "Hungry too, here take it. It's 8:30." "W- Why thank you? My curfew only got earlier, 10:00." "Aww man."

I know buddy, I know. "You know Sarvin, we never get to spend time together anymore. I miss it." "What-" "You heard me, I'm upset about it and you know it." "You're always sad though, get a depression diagnosis, it's obvious you have it just get diagnosed."

"..." OH SHIT. "H-Hey I'm sorry I di-" "I don't. Like. Talking about this things... Reminds me of ... d-dad." "I'll just go, ugh, I don't want to cause you any-" "No. Stay here. You're my only company right now. Nobody really tends to me, for I'm the daughter of a criminal." "Well, that's rude. I'll confront them, I don't care how much you protest. That's not right and I'm going to fix that, see ya. It's 10... 55?!" "BYE SARVIN, SEE YA!!!"

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