Ruveta did Something Bad pt 2

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Ruveta's POV: "Wait that doesn't say 10:55 you nincompoop, it's 8:55." "Oh... well it pays to be stupid sometimes right?" "..." "Right...?" «Heт.»("«»"аre Russian quotation marks) "Hey kiddo-" "Call me that and I'll rip-" "Is everything okay in here??" "No-" "It's FIIIINE."

Sarvin's POV: Well shit. I'm stuck with a psychopath who wants to end me until 10:00. "Will you stop starting at me like that, please?" "No." "Wanna go home?" "I would die to do that but I'm kind of, you know. IMMOBILE." "My genius can kill an army of 1999 men." "Ok genius, solve for x-" "63" "I didn't even-" "You show me the same question every time. And yet, you still don't know the answer."

Please don't end my bloodline. Please don't end my bloodline. I mean at least do t end it abruptly. I swear I'll do anything. "Anything?" "Anything what?" "You just babbled your entire thought process out loud, dumbass."

The next morning...

Рувета POV: I. Am. So. Fucking. Bored. Where's my Walkman? Where's breakfast? Ich Bein depressiv und habe selbstmordgedanken. Öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööö.
Why are they starting at me like that?

"Ruveta, hun, you very much need a therapist." "Well too bad, so sad, go cry about it, I don't have the money for that kind of stuff." "Well you technically already have one that you can't even trust so uh, you aren't getting the help you need sweetheart." "No." " What are you looking at me like that for? Are you a sociopath or something?" "Indeed. I almost ended my best friend when he was 3 and a half."

I shall end this chapter now. Adios!

Word count: 276

Lovers for EternityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora