A journal entry by ✨Sarvin✨

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Warning: Too many spelling errors
April 23rd, 2000

Today I was forced to make another friend. Her name is Aubrii, and based on her first impression, she's a bitch. A 4' 11 little catty bitch. But at lunch it was worse. She couldn't make a decision and held up the lunch line for like 8 whole minutes. We have 30 minutes for lunch.

There was another boy, named Alen and he sat at my table and once everyone got there he was like, "Hey, Jay, can I sit over there? I don't really like you and Veta and her brother so much, mkay." Like okay you can sit over there just don't bother me I'm trying to beat the world mac-and-cheese-up-your-nose-competition record. Not talk too your rotten ass.

But my teachers seem to like me more this year. Good Lord I can't take their tests though. Like it's I know English but I suck ass at Lituatre or whatever it's called. Tylir is probably being more petty than Veta ever has been to the Math teacher too. This morning she was yelling at us for something and Tylir was like "I may suck fucking ass at The Pyagrotheum therum or whatever it's called, but at least I know I won't be balding at 18." Like dude you got 7 questions wrong out of the 9 she told you why you gotta be so hot-headed.

I honestly can't be talking, I yelled at Kady (This is how her name will be spelled now) for taking the last hot dog yesterday. But to be fair, those hot dogs hit the spot. The waffles and Burgers too. Last Tuesday, No one could leave the bathroom because the gave us some Taco Bell shit. So bad even Avery Jackson was blowing up stalls.

My day was good though. There's this girl also named Apolla  (This is a true story btw), me, her, Veta, and someone else got into a fight in 5th grade over a seat on the bus. Well earlier, she came into the boys locker room and was like "Sarvin, I wanna restart." Like girly, I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU, why do you wanna restart after the years of torment and bullying you gave me? either way, i don't even know why the fuck you're in the boys locker room, your a fucking girl.

But anyway, I accepted but I made a list of fake things to tell her and depending on wheather the whole district knows about it or not, I may or may not trust her. 

Why does everyone say I have a potty mouth? I don't even cuss that much. Right? Like, I bet you I could go a whole week with no swear words and nobody would even notice. I could swear in Spanish or French though. Then we'll determine my "potty mouth"

I made brownies with Veta yesterday. We forgot to oil the pan so we call them "Scoop brownies" because you have to scoop them. When she suggested the name I was like "Fuck me with genuine shock and a fucking pole saw but why would we name motherfucking brownies that?" Her reply was so good I still can't think of a comeback. I ain't telling you though. Hehe

I wonder where I get my personality from. My mom's sweet and sour and my dad's just... a bitch. Yeah probably dad. I literally spawned here and God was like: "Let's make this child an exact replica of his father, eh?" I'm just you know, pink. I've been planning this for a while but under my mattress is a list of places to go to if I need to desperately get out of my house (because my dad got mad or anything really) So Tylir's house, the abandoned shed that Brody C. broke a window, the local elementary school, Jaylen's house, Avery J's house, Natesea's house for some reason, Chad, Veta's uncle, Uncle Domenic, and that's about it.

I think I might just make a book out of these entries. I don't know what I'll call it but I have to include something about Ruvi in it. I mean We've shared this thing since 6th grade right before she left.

I'm trying to think about when I tell her how much I like her. Maybe next Valentine's? Her birthday? I don't know. But I also don't want to jeopardize our friendship. Friends with benefits maybe? I should just keep it a secret. It's a secret not worth telling.

Maybe when we finally finish this, she'll read this and finally know how I feel about her. My dad's here. Goodbye, goodnight, good day, and have a good one.
                                                                               With all due respect,
                                                                                            Sarvin Jay. Jhonson

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