My life is Hell.

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TW: Abuse, and Suicide Mentions

Sarvin's POV: I've been walking home alone most days because Ruvi's never at school anymore, it sucks but at least I have time to think without being interrupted by some existential crisis or "another family member getting offed by those corrupt ass police officers".

Hold on, did I get a test back today? Yes! I gotta check the score, gotta check the scores... "Oh shit. I'm gonna die today aren't I?..." A 62, he's already mad about 80's and 90's but I doubt I'll even live through a 60.

What'll happen if I throw it away? Nah, he'll find it. Maybe the give-and-run strategy? Shit, he's played football since he was like 5 and now he's like 45 and married to my... 33... year old...mother. EWW. Disgusting.

But, it's too late. I'm already home and grounded from last test score, a 98. He grounded me for 98 hours. For a 98.

Let's hope I survive this one...

*Door creaks a bit* "Sarvin. Jayden. Jhonson. ¡¿UN 62 POR CIENTO?!(A 62 PERCENT?!)"

"D-Dad... I-i couldn't s-study. Arianna rompió la guía de estudio y yo era demasiado tímida para pedir una nueva... (Arianna tore my study guide and I was too shy to ask for a new one...)"

"Oh, you were too shy? Bueno, ME IMPORTA UN CARAJO, trae tu culo bueno para nada aquí ahora. (Well, I DONT GIVE A FUCK, so you better get your good for nothing ass over here, NOW.) Before I do it myself Sarvin"

As I slowly walk over to my so-called "father" it's clear that my expression is either getting more fearful or braver with every step because he starts muttering to himself in Spanish and starts to grab my wrist with all of his might just to drag me upstairs.
He puts me down on my bed, in my room which is inconveniently soundproofed. He walks out and I try to make a run for it but my arm is cuffed to my bed. Tightly too.
"Sarvin, i don't understand you sometimes, you never talk to  me," he mutters with a low voice as he locks the door. "I mean I see why you wouldn't talk to me , but you can at least talk to your mother."
I open my mouth to say something but he shuts me up. "Look, I'll uncuff you if you make this enjoyable enough and not make a sound. If you can't uphold your end of the deal, you might not want to find out what happens, okay?"

I nod as if to approve of domestic abuse. "Alright then!" He looks at me with his icy blue eyes glowing in a mischievous manner. "Be ready SARV." My breathing started to get heavy as he turned around with his blood stained belt from last time.

" You're just like your sister, so cowardly, so naive, it almost makes me want to bust out in laughter. Watch this; *flashes belt to face*" I flinched, proving his point. He laughed a bit and then he started.

Strike, after strike, after strike, it got harder every time and it hurt like HELL but I stayed silent. I'm really good at that actually, he could've made a better bet, but I'll take this.

He probably noticed my expression of confusion and confidence because he left to go get something that would hurt even more.

Maybe it's my fault, if I didn't have any problems with my learning, I wouldn't have to go through this EVERY SINGKE WEEK. You know, most kids look forward to Fridays, but me, hell, I hate them more than my "father".

By I got bumped up a whole grade though, why does he hate me so much, did he want all girls? Maybe u should take a break from the questions.

Narrator:   While Sarvin was waiting for his dad to come back, Scottie was shaking hands with a friend he had introduced to his wife 9-10 months before Sarvin and his twin's time.
Once he did come back though, he had what seemed to be a sugar cane in hand.

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