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Author: I am so sorry this happened again, I was somehow able to get my computer taken from me for a month. Anyway, let's get started with the chapter.
Ruveta's pov: "Okay, Veta. So you and me both know how Jaylen got arrested for putting that girl in the hospital?"

"He got arrested? Bad kid, bad kid."

"Did you hit your head? (Ruveta nods) Okay. So he got bail and we need 900 bucks. Can you do it?"

"Du dummer Mensch, die einzigen neunhundert Dollar, die ich habe, fließen durch das Steuersystem der Regierung. ("you stupid person, the only nine hundred dollars I have is going through the government's tax system.")"

"Oh. Well we need to start a black market, what's not allowed here that people normally eat out of school?"

"Skittles, lucky charms, Mary Jane-"

"No, selling that is illegal. I don't want to have to go to jail with Jaylen, Veta."

"It was a joke."

"Je hebt een vreselijk gevoel voor humor. (You have a horrible sense of humor.)"

"That's not German,"

"No, it's Dutch."

"You speak Dutch?"

"You speak Norwegian?"

"Okay. But we have skittles, lucky charms, peanuts, almonds, gum-"

"Where can I get 35 packs of gum?"


"Thank you."
Wait I'm still bleeding.
"Charlie. I'm bleeding."

"Where?... oh, oh. I'll see if a have something."

Thank you.... That was so awkward, why was it so awkward? She's a fellow female, you can't make everything awkward. Oh I called her Charlie.

"Why did you call me Charlie? You know I hate that."

"I did it subconsciously."


"Thank you." How do I get to the hospital?

"Do you want me to get my mom to pick us up?"

"Да, спасибо. (Sure, thanks.)"

Let's roll. Hold on, do I just go to the office or what?

"Are you coming?"
Yes. Yes I am. I don't want to talk anymore. My voice hurts.

Charlie Carlsonn and Ruveta Rainbova to the office please.

That's our call.

Meanwhile, at the hospital.

"Hey Karlice. How's your eye?"

"It's better, but who's this?"

"Say hi, you're not gonna be anti-social today."

"I'm Ruveta, Ruveta Rainbova."

"You're the girl that smashed the-"


"Oh, then you're his best friend?"

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