Why did we do this...?

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I'm so sorry for not posting in like two months. I have been reading and doing homework, got my phone taken away, my laptop, so... yeah... anyway, enjoy the chapter, have a great day, let's see how far we get....

Narrator: In a time not so long ago, in a land not so far away, there lived two children, Sarvin and Ruveta.

As the days went by, the children's relationship became closer and closer, so much to the point where they wouldn't ever dare to step foot out of the neighborhood without one another.

Well, the children's story leads to now.  They are at the age of sixteen, well on in their friendship. They are located in a mall shopping for clothes.

What will happen? I don't know, without further ado, let us begin...

Sarvin's POV: Now, I got a nice pair of jeans, what did Veta- oh... art supplies...

"Isn't it amazing? They had all of this supplies, I couldn't resist! And besides, they'll last me for a decade!"

"We came here for clothes Veta, not art supplies."

"Well it's my money, I choose what I buy."

"Fine then. Have fun in your brother's hand me downs."

Serves her right, I shouldn't have even come with her... she always does this.

"I like Peter's clothes though."

"I never asked."

"Okay then. Don't listen to me."


"If I'm toxic, you are acid."

"That doesn't make sense. Acid is already- I get the point. Don't even start"
I just know she's gonna start ranting about some random thing after she makes that fucking point.

"I have tea-"


"O-Okay then. So, today in 3rd period, the English teacher was explaining something about grammar and she called on a kid for an example.

She called on Brade Hall. This man stood up, looked around the room, thought about it, and shouted loud enough for me to hear, 'I JUST FINISHED ALL OVER THE PLACE!'"


"The teacher dragged him out of the room, went to my German teacher, across the hall, and they both yelled at him for 3 straight minutes. He got a weeks worth of detention, 2-day suspension, 3 days of ISS (in school suspension), and an ass whopping from his ma."

"Good for him."

"Our turn at checkout."


Narrator: As Sarvin and his buddy check out, they make some small talk, he then remembers something that they did the other day...

They snuck Sarvin out of his house and they went to a party at around 2:00 in the morning: his father is livid.

Now Sarvin needs another excuse to get home later so that after his lecture, he can just go to sleep instead of bear the pain of the after-lecture.

Ruveta's POV:  Oh hey an ice cream parlor. An ice cream parlor?! *Veta looks at Sarvin with a smug look* "Can we go?"

"Yeah. Whatever. You pay though."

"That's not a very nice way to treat a lady."

"But you're not my girlfriend—yet."

"No shi- wait what?"

*Sarvin has a smirk on his face*

"So... you...?"


*Veta's face has turned into a deep red* "Stop. Please. I'm not worth loving"

"Why? You're curvy and funny and comedic and so much more."

"Was that a confession?"


"Oh my. Just don't tell Peter about that. He won't let you come over anymore."

"That's why I told Robin and Ruven and someone else."

"Your cousins?"


"Let's just go get the damn ice cream."

"Okay! You're still paying."

"Do you have money?"


"What do you want?"


"Wouldn't that be cannibalism?"

"I hate you."

"I hate me too."

"That's something we both agree on. Veta sucks."

"That's something for only me to say."

*Veta gets the ice cream and pays. They walk home while chatting and eating their ice creams*

"Veta, question."

"Hit me"

*Sarvin slaps Veta across the face*

"You ba-"

"No swearing."

"I meant ask your question. Not hit me."

"Oh. Well, why did you get cookies and cream?"

"Because I like eating the Oreos."

"Isn't that.... ✨Cannibalism✨"

"Сырные шарики. (Cheese balls)"

"What the heck Veta?"

Word count: 690

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