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Y/n arrived at the charity for her first day of the part-time job, carrying a glimmer of hope that she might catch a glimpse of Yoongi. However, as she entered the charity office, disappointment washed over her. There was no sign of him.

She scolded herself quietly, "Stop dreaming, girl. He's your superior, and you're here as an employee. Get your priorities straight."

Just as she was coming to terms with the reality of her role, a man approached her. His name was Ji-hoon, and he worked as the receptionist at the charity.

Y/n was slightly taken aback and couldn't help but voice her surprise, "I'm sorry, Ji-hoon, but it's just that I've rarely seen a man as a receptionist. What's the story behind that?"

Ji-hoon understood her curiosity and smiled, "Ah, it's not common, I know. But here at the charity, Yoongi usually prefers to have male employees. In fact, you're the first woman to come and work here. It's unique."

Y/n was genuinely surprised to learn this and nodded, "I see.

Y/n followed Ji-hoon to the cabin. Inside, she noticed two cabins opposite each other, one for Yoongi and the other for her.

Ji-hoon explained, "This is your workspace, Y/n. And right across is Yoongi's cabin. Feel free to settle in, and I'll be around if you need any assistance."

Y/n nodded with gratitude, and as Ji-hoon left the room, Y/n couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension about her new role working directly across from the idol she admired..

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