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As Y/n stood in line to attend Yoongi's fan sign event, she couldn't help but talk to herself, her thoughts racing.

"Today is the day, Y/n, but remember, you're here with a free ticket due to your work at the company. What if Yoongi finds out you're a fan? What if he thinks you're only involved in the charity because of him?"

To maintain the separation between her professional and personal life, Y/n had donned a black hat and a mask, fully covering her face. But the vigilant security guard had other plans.

As she approached the entrance, the security guard pointed at her hat and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, you'll need to remove your hat for security purposes."

Y/n hesitated for a moment, a slight frown on her face. Reluctantly, she removed her hat, revealing her face beneath it.

No choice but to remove the hat, huh?" she thought to herself. "It's fine, Y/n. You're not that important to him, and you're not particularly close. He probably won't recognize you. Just enjoy the event and keep your worlds apart."

With her face still partially concealed by the mask, Y/n entered the hall, ready to savor the experience while striving to keep the boundaries between her professional and personal life intact.

As Y/n stood in line at the fan event, her heart raced with anticipation. When she finally reached Yoongi, she presented a carefully wrapped gift.

Y/n: "Hi, Yoongi. I wanted to give you this as a token of my admiration. I didn't know if you'd like it or not, but I've been a fan since my childhood."

Yoongi accepted the gift with a warm smile, and as he unwrapped it, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Yoongi: "You know, I love this fruit. How did you know?"

Y/n: "I'm thrilled you like it! It's one of my favorites too."

As Yoongi took a step closer, their eyes met, and he leaned in, whispering in Y/n's ear slowly, "I know who you are,
Ms. Y/n ??

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now