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As Y/n was shocked to hear Yoongi recognize her, she was at a loss for words. She didn't know how to respond to him, especially while wearing a mask. Just as she was gathering her thoughts, a security guard approached.

Security Guard: "Miss, your time is up. You'll have to leave now."

To Y/n's surprise, Yoongi turned to her and made a request.

Yoongi: "Can we have two more minutes, please?"

The security guard agreed and allowed them a brief moment.

Yoongi: "We can see next weekend miss yn ."

Y/n, still in shock, simply smiled in response. She left the fan sign event,

At weekend Y/n was at the charity office, eagerly waiting to see Yoongi again. She knew he was busy with his idol life, so she didn't expect him to arrive . As she went about her work, Jihoon, the receptionist, approached her.

Jihoon: "I'm leaving for the day. Take care and have a good weekend."

Y/n nodded and watched as Jihoon left, leaving her alone in the charity office. Feeling a bit bored and restless, she decided to listen to music and started dancing, completely lost in the music.

Unbeknownst to her, someone had entered the room and watched her dance. When she finished, she turned around and saw Yoongi.

Yoongi: " Do you want some water? You're sweating."

Y/n, feeling embarrassed, tried to catch her breath.

Y/n: "Oh, I didn't realize you were here. I'm okay, but thank you."

Yoongi smiled at her, having arrived just a few minutes ago.

Yoongi: "You didn't tell me you like BTS. Why keep it a secret?"

Y/n: "I guess I was just being modest."

Yoongi smiled warmly, seeing through her. "Someone told me you've been a big fan of BTS since childhood."

Y/n felt embarrassed, her cheeks flushing. She finally admitted, "Yes, I'm a big fan of you, and I've had a crush on you since I was a child."

Yoongi, with a warm smile, offered some valuable advice, "Don't change who you are to please anyone, Miss Y/n. If you like something, be brave enough to say it. Always be true to yourself."

Yoongi "Why didn't you come when I asked you to have dinner?"

Y/n explained, "I didn't want to mix my personal and professional life."

Yoongi sighed to himself. "That's been the problem. Sometimes you need to let personal and professional blend."

Y/n was curious about his perspective.

Y/n: "What are you saying?"

Yoongi: "Nothing, let's go for dinner, Miss Y/n."

Yn " okay let's go

Yoongi: "What a surprise that you accepted to have dinner with me."

Y/n chuckled and replied, "Well, now you know everything about me. From today onwards, I won't hide anything."

Yoongi grinned mischievously, "I look forward to getting to know you even better."

Y/n playfully responded, "Just be prepared for my endless questions about BTS."

Yoongi laughed, "I'll be ready. And you can ask anything you want."

At the restaurant, Yoongi and Y/n settled at a table. Yoongi took the menu and asked, "What would you like to eat?"

Y/n: ", I'll have tteokbokki."

Yoongi was amused. "Tteokbokki? That's simple. I thought of treating you to a fancy meal."

Y/n laughed, "We can save that for our next dinner."

Yoongi found her intriguing and couldn't help but smile, excited about getting to know her better.

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