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Yoongi POV

As we arrived at her home, I sensed Yn's nervousness. I held her hand, and together we entered the house, finding many people gathered in the hallway. Yn gripped my hand tightly as her sister approached, calling me "oppa." Yn rolled her eyes, whispering something to her sister in their language.

We entered the hall, where everyone seemed happy to see us. They engaged in conversations in their language, and I couldn't understand a word. Curious, I asked my soon-to-be sister-in-law to translate. She explained that they were Yn's uncles, aunts, and cousins, here to meet her. They were discussing us.

Approaching Yn's father, I greeted him in my language, and Yn translated for me. They continued talking about us. I asked my sister-in-law to translate their conversation. She informed me that they were expressing concern about Yn marrying a Korean man. Yn's father was being persuaded not to accept our relationship, suggesting she marry someone from India.

In the midst of their discussion, Yn's father slapped her in front of everyone. Before he could do it again, I intervened, holding his hand back. Yn stormed off to her room, crying. I followed her, finding her sitting on the bed. I hugged her, comforting her through her tears, reassuring her not to cry.

After she fell asleep, I gently placed her in bed and went back outside. Already there relatives all leave, Yn's father approached me, and my sister-in-law helped translate our conversation. He inquired about my idol life, concerned for Yn's safety he ask me about my parents accept yn? . I assured him that I loved Yn deeply and that my family's acceptance was a decision left to me.

He questioned why I chose Yn, and I replied, "Because she's the only girl I want." His face softened, and he seemed content with my answer.

he continued by expressing concerns about our age difference, highlighting the 10-year gap. I calmly addressed it, explaining that age was not a problem for us. Yn's father went on to share some of Yn's traits, describing her as stubborn and not easy to handle, revealing her occasional anger issues.

In response, I opened up about Yn's positive qualities, highlighting her caring nature, especially towards her loved ones. I acknowledged that while she might get angry at times, it didn't overshadow the depth of her understanding and love. I reassured her father that I loved Yn deeply and wouldn't want anything else.Yn's father, intrigued, asked me a hypothetical question – what if he didn't accept ours to get married. Playfully, I responded,

"Uncle, if you didn't accept it, I would definitely have to kidnap your daughter because I can't imagine my life without her." I said this with a smile, and to my surprise, Yn's father laughed, breaking the tension

As we talked, Yn's mom arrived, inviting us to join them for dinner. Yn joined us, not looking at anyone, her dad speaking something to her. She hugged her father, and joy filled the room as he agreed to her marrying me. Yn, ecstatic, jumped with happiness. I asked my sister-in-law what he told Yn, and she explained that her father had agreed to our marriage. Yn excitedly discussed her wedding expectations, blending Korean and Indian traditions. The room resonated with laughter and joy.

Yn pov

my parents and Yoongi sat down for dinner. The table was filled with South Indian dishes. Since Yoongi wasn't familiar with eating with his hands, he used a spoon. He praised the food, and I conveyed his compliments to my mom, making her happy.

After dinner, I suggested to my mom that we should head back home. However, she insisted we stay. I tried to explain that their house wasn't spacious, and I didn't want Yoongi to feel uncomfortable. My mom just smiled at me and inquired about how Yoongi was doing. I shared some aspects of our life with her, emphasizing how he takes care of me, cooks, surprises me with gifts, and spends time with me.

As I was talking to my mom in the kitchen, I couldn't help but wonder what Yoongi was up to with my dad and sister.

Yoongi POV

While Yn was engrossed in conversation with her mom, I found myself chatting with my soon-to-be sister-in-law. She spoke non-stop, and suddenly, I recalled Yn whispering something in her ear when we entered the home. Curious, I asked what Yn had told her. She chuckled and said, "Oppa, Yn can be quite possessive. She didn't want me to call you 'oppa,' so I let her call you that." We shared a laugh, and I found it amusing to discover this side of Yn.
As we continued talking, my sister-in-law shared stories from Yn's childhood. Yn, being an introvert, had only a few close friends. She showed me adorable childhood pictures and family snapshots, giving me a glimpse into Yn's early years. It was a delightful experience, and I cherished the opportunity to learn more about Yn's past.

Soon, Yn called me, signaling that it was time to leave. We bid farewell to her family, expressing our gratitude, and headed back home..

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