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Yoongi POV

I sighed, "It's been two months since I met my kitten, and I'm missing her like crazy. Finally, next week, I'm leaving this trip. Tomorrow is our first anniversary since we started dating. I wish I could be with her, but it's not possible. I know she's definitely mad at me for missing our special day. I was telling Jin Hyung about it, and he agrees she's definitely mad at me."

Missing your anniversary? You're in trouble, mate," Jin warned with a knowing look.

I nodded, "I feel terrible about it. I just want to be with her."

J-Hope chimed in, teasingly, "You're in for a storm, buddy. Yn won't let this slide."

RM suggested, "Send her a surprise, at least. It might help."

I sighed again, "I thought about it, but it's not the same as being there."

Jimin grinned, "Time to prepare some epic apologies, Hyung.

As we were deep into our conversation, our manager abruptly interrupted, calling me "Mrs. Suga" with a sly smile. She handed me a beautifully wrapped box, saying it was a gift from Yn two months ago, meant to be given to me on this day. With a mysterious wink, she left, leaving me and my BTS friends in a state of shock and surprise.

Jin, ever quick with his teasing, chimed in, "Well, well, Suga , what's in the box? A secret message? Treasure map perhaps?"

Jimin, equally intrigued, added, "Maybe it's a hidden love letter. Or better yet, a surprise trip tickets!"

I couldn't help but laugh at their wild guesses as I carefully unwrapped the box. Inside, I found a beautifully crafted scrapbook filled with memories of our time together, accompanied by a sweet note from Yn expressing her love and understanding for my hectic schedule.

Yoongi grinned, his eyes softening as he flipped through the pages of the scrapbook. "Looks like I've got the best surprise waiting for me."

Taehyung, with a playful grin, teased, "Yoongi, you've got yourself a romantic one. I'm taking notes."

Jungkook, the youngest, looked over my shoulder and exclaimed, "Wow, that's so thoughtful! Yn really knows how to surprise you."

I nodded, a mixture of emotions washing over me. "She's amazing," I admitted, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for Yn's understanding and the effort she put into this surprise.

As the BTS members continued to shower me with playful banter and congratulations, I couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected joy that Yn's surprise gift had brought to our day.

Yn, groggily answering the call, mumbled, "Hello?"

Yoongi's voice, warm and apologetic, came through, "Hey, kitten. Did I wake you up?"

Rubbing her eyes, Yn replied, "Yeah, but it's okay. What's up?"

Yoongi hesitated for a moment before saying, "I got the gift, and I just wanted to thank you. It's amazing, and I love it."

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now