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Yoongi POV

Mad at myself for forgetting the birthday of my love of my life, I felt a deep sense of shame. Yn hadn't forgiven me, and I needed to talk to her. Knocking on the door, there was no response. Opening the bedroom door, Yn wasn't there. I checked the restroom and went to our soundproof room, but she was nowhere to be found. A note on my room's door caught my eye. Yn had written that she went to a club and told me not to worry.

Hastily grabbing my car keys, I rushed to the club. As I stepped outside, rain began to pour, matching the turmoil within. Finding her at the club, she was drinking non-stop, and my eyes widened at her outfit. I couldn't comprehend what the hell she was wearing

I sat down next to her, a mix of concern and guilt washing over me. "Yn, we need to talk. I messed up, and I'm sorry."

Yn looked at me, her eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. "What are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping," she said, her words filled with a tinge of bitterness.

I couldn't sleep, Yn. I needed to talk to you," I confessed, my gaze meeting hers. She was already deep into her drinks, and the atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words.

Taking a deep breath, I continued, "I messed up, and I can't let this go unresolved. Your birthday... it's important, and I forgot. I know I hurt you, and I can't bear the thought of you being upset with me.

Yn sighed, a mixture of frustration and sadness in her eyes. "Yoongi, it's not just about forgetting my birthday. It's about feeling neglected, like I don't matter."

Her words hit me hard, and I nodded, "I understand, Yn. I want to make things right, but I need to know how you're feeling. Please, let's talk about it."

She looked away, taking a sip of her drink, "Talk? You remember how to talk now?" Despite the bitterness in her tone, I could sense the pain beneath the surface.

Yn said "You remember when we last talked face to face? It's been a month. I understand your work, but I also need some time. I'm not mad at you for forgetting my birthday; I know you didn't remember it. But I asked you to have dinner with me."

I sighed, "I know, Yn. I messed up, and I'm sorry. I want to make it right."

She leaned back, her gaze fixed on me. "Making it right isn't just about today. It's about being present, Yoongi. I miss us."

Her words cut through the noise of the club, and I nodded, "I miss us too, Yn. Let me make it up to you,

Yn took a sip of her drink, the clinking of ice cubes filling the brief silence.

Yn, you've had enough. Let me take you home," I pleaded, my voice carrying a mix of concern and regret.

But she resisted, her determination fueled by the swirling emotions within her. "No, I want to drink. Just go, Yoongi. I'll be fine," she snapped, her words cutting through the night.

Realizing I had no choice, I lifted her in my arms, her protests ringing in my ears. "Put me down, Yoongi! I said put me down!" she shouted, her frustration echoing in the empty streets. "I want to drink!"

Attempting to gauge her feelings, I asked, "Are you still mad at me, kitten?" Her response held a mix of emotions, "No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for expecting things." Her vulnerability tugged at my conscience.

In an attempt to bridge the growing distance, I apologized once more, "I'm sorry, kitten. You know how busy my schedules are." Her eyes, filled with tears, hinted at a desire for more. The car became a cocoon for our unresolved emotions.

I'm not asking for a whole day, Yoongi. Just dinner," she remarked, her tearful eyes a bittersweet reminder of what could have been. Unable to resist, I stopped the car and hug her tightly. "Sorry, kitten. I'm sorry," I repeated,

Yn broke the hug, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and vulnerability. She swiftly opened the car door and ran into the rain-drenched night. "Kitten, where are you going?" I shouted after her, concern etched in my voice. Ignoring my calls, she stood in the middle of the road, raindrops tracing paths down her face.

Promise me, Yoongi. Promise you'll remember my birthday next year," she implored, her words echoing through the rain-soaked air. I nodded, the weight of the promise settling on my shoulders. "I promise, Yn. I won't forget," I assured her, the sincerity in my voice cutting through the sound of the rain .

She nodded, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. "That's all I wanted. Don't let me be a distant memory," she whispered, her words lost in the rhythm of the falling rain.

In that moment, I reached out and gently wiped away a raindrop from her cheek, the touch lingering longer than necessary.

I know I messed up, Yn. But I won't let you be a distant memory," I murmured, my voice a soft counterpoint to the rain's cadence.

Her eyes, glistening with unshed tears, searched mine for sincerity. "It's not just about the birthday, Yoongi. It's about us, about being a priority in your life."

The weight of her words settled deep within me, a realization that cut through the rain-soaked air. "You are a priority, Yn. I need you to believe that," I implored, the urgency in my tone echoing the rhythm of my heart.

A small smile played on her lips, a mixture of pain and understanding. "Then show me, Yoongi. Actions speak louder than promises."

Determined to bridge the emotional gap, I leaned in, our lips meeting in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Raindrops merged with our connection, creating an intimate symphony that drowned out the world. As we kissed, I could feel her fingers tracing patterns in my hair, a silent language that spoke of both longing and forgiveness.

Breaking the kiss, I rested my forehead against hers, our breaths mingling in the rainy night. "I'll show you, Yn. I promise," I whispered, my words a solemn vow that hung in the air.

Now, with the rain embracing us, Yn looked at me, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "I don't forgive easily," I said, "kitten, tell me what I have to do for your forgiveness." She replied, "Buy me ice cream?" I cautioned, "Eating ice cream now will give you a fever." Defiantly, she claimed, "No, I won't get a fever. Buy it for me, or I'm not coming home." With no other choice, I smiled at her and agreed, "Only one."

She smiled and hugged me tightly. We walked back to the car, and I got her favorite ice cream. While she quietly enjoyed it, memories of her dad's stories about her stubbornness crossed my mind.

Later, as she dozed off in the car, I couldn't shake off the guilt for forgetting her birthday. Getting home, I carried her to bed, and noticing her wet clothes,

Noticing her wet clothes, I tried to wake her up, but she remained peacefully asleep. With no other choice, I covered her with a duvet and changed her clothes without disturbing her

After a gentle kiss on her forehead, I laid down beside her, feeling a twinge of sadness for her. But in that vulnerable moment, I couldn't help but appreciate the various sides of her, from mature to a bit stubborn and childish.

As she slept peacefully, I whispered, "I'll make it up to you, Yn. I promise." The rain outside seemed to echo the rhythm of my heart, filled with regret and determination to mend what I had broken.

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