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As Yoongi and I returned home after a delightful evening with our BTS brothers, I couldn't shake off the unease I felt about Alia's mood. The contrast between her cheerful demeanor at the party and the somber expression she wore now weighed heavily on my mind.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, contemplating the possible reasons for Alia's distress. Before I could dwell any further, strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a warm embrace. Yoongi buried his face in my neck, planting gentle kisses that sent a shiver down my spine.

Turning to face him, I managed a smile despite the lingering worry. Yoongi, ever perceptive, sensed the shift in my mood and inquired about my thoughts. "What's on your mind, my kitten?" he asked, his voice soft and comforting.

I hesitated for a moment before voicing my concerns about Alia. "I couldn't help but notice that Alia seemed off after the party," I confessed, my voice tinged with worry. "She was so happy earlier, but now... I can't shake the feeling that something's bothering her."

Yoongi gently brushed away the stray strands of hair that framed my face, his gaze filled with warmth and reassurance. "You're overthinking things, kitten," he said tenderly, his voice soothing. "Alia is strong, she'll be fine. Let's not dwell on it tonight. Tomorrow is our big day, remember?"

His words brought a sense of comfort, and I nodded in agreement, allowing myself to be enveloped in his reassuring presence. "You're right," I conceded with a soft chuckle. "Let's focus on getting some rest. Tomorrow is indeed our special day."

With that, we settled into bed, the worries of the night fading away as we drifted into a peaceful slumber, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.

Yoongi POV

awoke feeling parched, the darkness of the night enveloping the silent corridors of the house. My footsteps echoed softly as I made my way to the kitchen, the faint glow of the moon casting ethereal shadows across the room.

As I entered, I noticed Alia sitting on the couch, her silhouette illuminated by the soft light filtering in through the windows. She seemed lost in thought, her brow furrowed with worry. Concerned, I approached her, breaking the silence with a gentle inquiry.

"Don't you sleep?" I asked softly, taking a seat beside her on the couch.

She turned to me, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and sadness. "I'm not sleepy, oppa," she replied quietly, her voice tinged with melancholy.

Sensing the weight of her emotions, I ventured a guess. "It's because of Taehyang, isn't it?" I said softly, hoping to offer some solace.

Alia's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Do you know?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of shock and apprehension.

Nodding solemnly, I met her gaze with understanding. "I know everything, Alia," I admitted, my tone gentle yet resolute.

Her next question was laced with uncertainty. "Does Y/n know about this?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

I shook my head, offering her a reassuring smile. "No, she doesn't. I don't want to make her worry about you " I assured her, hoping to alleviate some of her fears.

Alia sighed, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her emotions. "Why don't you accept Taehyung, Alia? Didn't you have feelings for him?" I inquired gently, hoping to coax her thoughts into the open.

Her response was hesitant, her voice barely audible. "I don't know, oppa," she confessed, her gaze clouded with uncertainty. "I'm not sure if I have feelings for him. But when he ignores me, it hurts."

Sympathy welled up inside me as I listened to her words. "Alia, sometimes we need to ask ourselves difficult questions," I said earnestly, reaching out to squeeze her hand in reassurance. "Do you truly consider Taehyung as just a friend, or is there something more?"

As Alia pondered my words, I couldn't help but hope that she would find the clarity she sought. Love was a complicated journey, filled with twists and turns, but I had faith that she would eventually find her way. All I could do was offer her my support as she navigated the turbulent waters of her heart.

After a moment of contemplative silence, I gently squeezed Alia's hand once more, offering her a reassuring smile. "Ask yourself that question, Alia," I encouraged softly, hoping to give her some clarity in the midst of her confusion.

With a nod, Alia seemed lost in her thoughts, her gaze distant as she wrestled with her emotions. Sensing that she needed time alone to reflect, I stood up from the couch, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Go and get some rest, Alia," I suggested kindly, hoping she would heed my advice.

As she nodded, offering me a small smile of gratitude, I made my way back to the bedroom, leaving her to her thoughts. The night air felt heavy with unresolved emotions, but I trusted that Alia would find her way in due time.

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now