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As Yoongi entered Yn's cabin, she was engrossed in her work, and his presence caught her off guard. She looked up in surprise and said, what are you doing here?"

Yoongi smiled warmly as he approached her. "Miss Yn, I came here to see you."

Yn was shocked by his unexpected visit and the next words that came out of Yoongi's mouth. "Miss Yn, I have something to ask. Will you date me?"
Yn's heart skipped a beat, and she was momentarily lost for words, wondering if she was daydreaming. With a slightly flushed face, she stammered, "Yoongi, this...this can't be real."

Yoongi's smile remained, and he gently assured her, "I promise you, this is very real, Yn. And I know you like me too, so don't act like you didn't."

Yn couldn't hold back her smile any longer, realizing that her long-time crush was asking her out. "You're right, I do like you."

Yoongi grinned and said, "Perfect. Let's go on our first date, no more waiting."

Yn quickly closed her laptop and hurriedly organized her papers, her heart racing with excitement. "Let's go,
I can't believe this is happening!"

Taking her hand, Yoongi led her out of the office,

As Yoongi and Yn left the office, Yoongi asked, "I know we're going on a date, but do you have any idea where you'd like to go?"

Yn pondered for a moment before replying, "Well, in most kdramas, they often go to the beach. How about we go there? It sounds romantic, doesn't it?"
With a smile, Yoongi agreed, "The beach sounds perfect, Yn. Let's go there now.

"The car ride to the beach had been a quiet one, and upon arrival, Yoongi began to conceal his face with a hat and mask. Yn noticed and expressed her concern, can I come with you like this? I'm worried that everyone will think I'm strange."

Yoongi, with a chuckle, reassured her, "Don't worry, Yn

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Yoongi, with a chuckle, reassured her, "Don't worry, Yn. Next time, I promise to wear the same costume for you as well. We'll both be incognito."

Yn was taken aback by the idea but couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

With that, they both put on face masks and ventured out of the car, stepping onto the less crowded beach.
As they strolled along the beach, the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow on the horizon. Yoongi and Yn found a quiet spot to sit, enjoying the serene scenery.

Yoongi, with a thoughtful expression, asked, "Yn, tell me more about your family. Are they in India?"

Yn nodded and replied, "Yes, my parents are in India, and I have a younger sister who's still in college. She's planning to come to Korea for work after she graduates."

Yoongi's curiosity continued, "What about your plans? Do you ever think about going back to India?"

Yn shook her head, a smile gracing her lips. "No, Yoongi. I'm planning to settle here in Korea."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile at her response. "For me?"

Yn playfully corrected him, "Not just for you, but for us."

She reached for Yoongi's hand and continued, "You know, I've only known you for a month officially, but I've been following you for ten years, even from afar. And now, I don't want to leave you for the rest of my life."

Yoongi's heart swelled with love, and he couldn't hide his emotions any longer. With a grin, he said, "I love you, Yn."

Yn was taken aback but overjoyed by his words, and she threw her arms around him, embracing him with a wide smile. "I love you too "

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now