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Yoongi POV

Yoongi was busy with an upcoming album, but deep down, he was missing Yn, her girlfriend. Yoongi was with her BTS members to discuss their next album, and he opened up to Jin,

"Hyung, I'm missing my kitten.

Jin asked, "Wait, which kitten? Are you missing? Got a new cat at home?" Yoongi chuckled, "Nah, not a cat. I miss my girlfriend, Yn. This revelation shocked the group. "Namjoon asked, "When did this happen?

Yoongi replied, "About 3 months ago,

Jungkook chimed in, "Hyung, seriously? Three months, and you didn't tell us?"

Yoongi flashed a sly smile, "Come on, Kook, where's the fun in spilling all the details too soon? It's like unwrapping a gift too quickly - no excitement!"

Jin joined in with a theatrical gasp,
"Three months of undercover romance! How dramatic!"

Jimin laughed, "And here we thought you were just being a workaholic, hyung. Turns out, it was a loveaholic thing!"

Yoongi shrugged, "Well, you know me - always full of surprises."

Hoseok was intrigued and asked, "Why are you telling us now?" Yoongi explained, "Because now, she's not here with me; she went to meet her family."

The group burst into laughter, and they couldn't resist teasing Yoongi. Taehyung playfully said, "I can't believe our Suga Hyung has been keeping secrets from us."

Jimin, always the witty one, couldn't resist poking fun at Yoongi, "Yoongi, are you sure she's not an alien from another planet, and you're secretly dating E.T.?"

Yoongi chuckled, "Jimin, she's not an alien, I promise. She's just an amazing girl."

Namjoon joined in with a playful tone, "So, Yoongi, when are you going to introduce our nona to us? We're all eager to meet her!"

Yoongi blushed and laughed along, "I know, I know, but I promise I'll introduce you all to her soon."

The conversation continued with jokes and laughter, making the moment even more fun-filled.

After the fun-filled conversation with the BTS members, Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon decided to head to a club to unwind and have some drinks. While they were enjoying their time, Yoongi couldn't help but feel a strong sense of missing Yn.

She had a few too many drinks, trying to cope with the longing. But then
a message from Yn lit up her phone, saying, "Hey Mrs cat , I'm at the airport . Can you pick me up?"

Yoongi's heart skipped a beat, overwhelmed with joy at the prospect of seeing Yn again. However, she realized she had consumed too much drink she can't drive now. She texted back, Sorry, babe, I'm at a club, and I've had a bit too much to drink. Can we meet tomorrow morning?"

Yn's response was swift and determined, "No, I want to see you now. I'll come to the club; just wait for me."

Yoongi turned to Jin and Namjoon, his face reflecting his eagerness and excitement. He said, "Guys, Yn is on her way to pick me up. I'll catch up with you later."

Understanding the situation, Jin and Namjoon smiled and gave Yoongi a knowing nod. "Alright, enjoy your time with Yn," Jin replied.

With that, Jin and Namjoon left, leaving Yoongi

As Yn walked into the club, all excited to see Yoongi, her eyes searched through the crowd until she found him. But what she saw was totally unexpected.

She stood still, shocked and upset, her eyes filling with tears. "Yoongi, what's going on?" she shouted in frustration. Her eyes were crying because things weren't how she imagined them to be.

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