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Y/n pov

I went to bed after a calm day, hoping for a good sleep. But scary movie thoughts made it hard. I Tried different things to rest, but I got more scared looking at the window. Finally, I went to Yoongi's room for comfort.

Yoongi POV

I was peacefully asleep when I heard a knock. Opening the door, I found Y/N standing there. I asked, "What happened, kitten? Do you need something?"

She hesitated for a moment and then spoke, "Yoongi, I'm scared. Can I sleep with you?"

I chuckled, "Ghosts in your room, huh? After a whole day of horror movies, I should've seen that coming. Sure, come on in."

We laughed together, realizing the influence of the horror movies on Y/N's fear of ghosts. I reassured her, "No ghosts here, just me. Now, get some rest."

Y/N laid on the bed, and I joined her. I couldn't help but laugh, saying, "I thought you were so brave while watching the movie. Now, I find out you're afraid of ghosts after it."

Y/N playfully hit my arm and covered her face with the bedsheets. I teased, "Oh, brave horror movie watcher, now hiding from ghosts? What happened to that fearless demeanor?"

Y/N peeked out from under the sheets and said, "Well, it's different when it's in real life!"

I smirked, "So, you're saying those horror movies got to you, huh?"

Y/N nodded, "Maybe a little. But you're here, so I feel safer."

I wrapped my arm around her, saying, "No ghosts will dare to bother us with Min Yoongi on guard. You can sleep peacefully now."

Later in the night, Y/N turned to me and asked, "Yoongi, do you believe in ghosts?"

I smirked, "Not really. I think they're just stories people tell to scare each other."

Y/N grinned mischievously, "What if I told you I can summon ghosts?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Summon ghosts? Seriously?"

She giggled, "Just kidding! But imagine if I could. We'd have our very own ghost concert."

I laughed, "A ghost concert? Now that's a unique idea. Who needs living audiences anyway?"

Y/N joined in, "Exactly! Ghosts probably have great taste in music. They'd appreciate your genius."

I pretended to be serious, "Well, if I ever see a ghost grooving to my music, I'll know it's you pulling off some supernatural stunt."

We spent the night talking, joking, and eventually drifted off to sleep, turning the spooky night into a memorable, laughter-filled one.

The next morning, sunlight streamed through the curtains, and I woke up to find Y/N still peacefully sleeping. I couldn't help but smile at the events of the previous night, realizing how even the simplest moments became extraordinary when shared with someone special.

Gently waking her up, I teased, "Good morning, fearless ghost hunter. Any ghost encounters last night?"

Y/N groggily opened her eyes and then laughed, remembering our playful banter. "No ghosts, just your snoring," she joked.

I feigned offense, "Excuse me? My snoring is a work of art. You should feel honored to witness it."

Y/N groggily opened her eyes and then laughed, remembering our playful banter. "No ghosts, just your snoring," she joked.

I feigned offense, "Excuse me? My snoring is a work of art. You should feel honored to witness it."

We both laughed, our morning filled with lighthearted banter and shared jokes.

Y/n pov

It since a month, Yoongi went abroad, and he's now on an international trip with BTS members. We talk daily, but the more we talk, the more I miss him. He left for a concert in a different country, and it's been a months. I try to focus on work to keep busy, but home feels empty without him.

I remember the late-night cooking sessions and movie nights we shared. Those memories hit me hard, making me realize how much I miss him. Then, one day, Yoongi surprises me with a video call. I pick up, and he asks about my day and dinner plans. Suddenly, the BTS members grab his phone, eager to chat with me.

They're so friendly, sharing stories and making me feel included. Yet, as I talk to Yoongi, a pang of jealousy creeps in. I admit it to him, "Why are they always around you? I miss having you to myself."

Yoongi, with a comforting smile, replies, "Kitten, they're just friends. Nothing changes between us." His words reassure me, and we end up talking for an hour,

Sleep well, kitten. I'll be back soon," Yoongi said as the call ended, leaving me with mixed emotions. The BTS members, waved goodbye with warm smiles.

As I lay in bed, the conversation stayed in my thoughts.

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