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On a rainy and melancholic day, Y/N and Yoongi found themselves hard at work in the bustling charity office .  Y/N was engrossed in her tasks, tucked away in a quiet cabin, diligently going through paperwork and communicating with the charity's overseas partners. Yoongi was also busy with his own work's, but he couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N from time to time.

As the clock neared the end of the working day, Y/N's phone suddenly rang, breaking the otherwise tranquil atmosphere of the office. Startled, she quickly answered the call,  she excused herself from their conversation. Yoongi, sitting right next to her, observed with growing concern as he watched her face shift from surprise to one of profound distress.

The conversation, incomprehensible to Yoongi due to the language barrier, ended abruptly, leaving Y/N in tears. Overwhelmed by emotions, she cut the call and frantically opened her laptop. Urgently, she navigated to a website, her hands trembling, and her eyes welling up with tears. Yoongi, who was still unsure of what had transpired during the call, rushed over to comfort her.

He wrapped his arms around y/n, his voice filled with concern as he gently asked, "kitten, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He could sense that something deeply troubling had occurred.

Y/N clung to Yoongi, her voice quivering as she attempted to convey the devastating news she had just received. "Yoongi, it's my mom. She called to tell me that my dad is in a critical condition in India, and she wants me to be with them. But all the flight tickets from Korea to India are completely booked. I don't know what to do."

Yoongi, with a compassionate and determined tone, tried to soothe her, "Hey, kitten don't cry. I promise I'll find a way to get you those tickets. You're not alone in this, kitten. I'll make sure you can be with your family."

Y/N, although appreciative of his support, was unable to contain her grief. She hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks. "

In an effort to alleviate her distress, Yoongi suggested, "Let's go to home. We'll figure this out together." He gently guided her to his home, determined to help her find a solution.

While driving Y/N back to her home, she couldn't stop her tears from flowing. The news of her father's critical condition had left her in a state of deep concern, and her tears seemed endless. Despite Yoongi's attempts to console her, her distress persisted, and it pained him to see her so distraught.

Upon arriving at Y/N's home, Yoongi guided her to the couch and offered her a glass of water. Y/N, still crying, laid her head on Yoongi's shoulder and, overwhelmed by the emotions, eventually fell asleep. Yoongi gently stroked her hair, silently providing comfort and support.

In the midst of Y/N's slumber, Yoongi made a  call to the CEO of Hybe Corporation.

Yoongi, with a sense of urgency, called the CEO of Hybe Corporation and stated firmly, "Hyung, I need a VIP class ticket to India, and I need it done quickly After making the request, he promptly ended the call,

As hours passed and phone calls were made, it became evident that securing a flight ticket was no easy task. Despite their tireless efforts, the CEO was unable to secure a ticket due to the high demand and limited availability of flights.

However, Yoongi was not ready to give up. He took it upon himself to reach out to high-ranking authorities and influential contacts,

Yoongi continued to reach out to various high-ranking authorities, emphasizing the urgency of the matter. Despite facing numerous obstacles, he remained persistent. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of phone calls and appeals, a high-ranking official managed to secure a flight ticket for Y/N to India.

With excitement in his voice, Yoongi called Y/N and shared the news, "Y/N, I've got incredible news! We've secured the flight ticket. You need to get ready and head to the airport. You'll be with your family soon."

Overwhelmed with gratitude and relief, Y/N, still teary-eyed, exclaimed, "you're my guardian angel. I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me."

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