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Yn pov

After our conversation, Yoongi headed to the bathroom to freshen up. I went downstairs to find my mom and sister engrossed in a conversation about Yoongi and me. When they noticed me, mom inquired about Yoongi. I informed her that he was taking a bath. My sister, always the teasing one, started asking if things were getting serious.

She couldn't resist a playful jab, asking, "So, Y/N, is it real? Living with a man and all. Tell me you didn't lose your virginity to him."

I rolled my eyes and playfully hit her on the head, "No way! We're just under the same roof. Nothing more than that."

Mom glanced at me with a knowing smile and reassured, "I know my girl. I trust you."

My sister then mentioned that Dad was upset about me, which explained his absence. I assured them that everything was fine.

Mom, shifting the conversation, asked about lunch. I told her I had ordered food for both of us. Mom and my sister left, reminding me to visit home. As I made my way back to the room, I found Yoongi drying his hair. After a quick update on the family chat, I went for a bath.

When I returned, Yoongi inquired about Mom and my sister. I informed him that they had left, and we enjoyed a lunch from a Korean restaurant. He suggested trying Indian food for dinner, and I mentioned that Mom was preparing something for our evening meal. We decided to rest a bit after lunch, looking forward to a relaxing day together.

Yoongi POV

I woke up from a short nap, realizing it was already 6 in the evening. Glancing at Y/N peacefully sleeping, I decided to gently wake her. As I spoke, she stirred, hiding her face in the sheets, trying to ignore the passing time.

"Come on, kitten," I coaxed, "It's getting late. We're going to visit your parents." Her eyes met mine with a mix of nervousness and fear.

In response to her worries, I kissed her forehead, reassuring her, "Don't be nervous, Y/N. Trust me, and we'll handle it together." She nodded, and I added playfully, "Besides, worst-case scenario, we could try 'cham' and see if it works."

Her eyes widened at the suggestion. "What if it doesn't work?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

I smirked, "Well, then I guess I'll have to resort to kidnapping you for a quick marriage." Y/N playfully hit my arms and hugged me tightly,

As Y/N hugged me, a warmth spread through the room. I softly whispered, "You know, kitten, I'd choose the 'cham' of our love over any plan B." Her eyes met mine, a glimmer of gratitude reflecting in them.

She traced a finger along my cheek and said, "Yoongi, I'm just scared. I want them to accept us."

I caressed her cheek, "They will, Y/N. I'm here with you, every step of the way. Trust me."

She smiled, a mixture of emotions in her eyes, "I do trust you, Yoongi. More than words can say."

Leaning in, our lips met in a tender kiss, a silent promise of support and love. As we pulled away, I whispered, "Let's face it together, hand in hand."

Y/N nodded, her fingers entwined with mine, "Together, always."

Yoongi POV

After getting ready, I found myself waiting downstairs, engrossed in my phone. When I finally looked up, there was Y/N, descending the stairs. I couldn't help but be taken aback - she looked absolutely adorable in a pink dress, a departure from her usual mature and black attire. Scaring her a bit as she reached the bottom, I couldn't contain my surprise at her choice of outfit.

 Scaring her a bit as she reached the bottom, I couldn't contain my surprise at her choice of outfit

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                         [ Your outfit ]

"Y/N," I teased, "calling me by my name? What happened to 'Yoongi'?"

She smirked, "Lost in your thoughts, were you? What's on your mind?"
I apologized, "Sorry, kitten. But seriously, you look so cute in this dress."

She grinned, thanking me. Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked why she didn't wear such cute dresses in Korea. Y/N raised an eyebrow, explaining that her professional life often dictated a more mature wardrobe. I hugged her, suggesting, "Then wear these kinds of dresses at home when you're with me."

She chuckled, "At home, I prefer comfortable clothes. I don't like to dress up."

About to share something, she cut me off, realizing the time. "It's getting late. Can we go?" Grabbing my arm, she led the way out, and I couldn't help but smile at the playful yet comfortable dynamics we shared.

Yn pov

As Yoongi and I stepped out of the house, he suggested calling a cab, but I insisted it wasn't necessary. Leading him to the car, I explained, "Yoongi, it's mine. I asked my sister to leave it here for the week since we're staying in India."

As we settled into the car, Yoongi, surprised, teased, "I didn't know you could drive." I playfully retorted, "Well, you don't know everything about me."

Starting the car, I could feel Yoongi's mischievous energy. "What's on your mind?" he asked. Smirking, I replied, "Nothing," but in reality, his hand on my thigh was making it challenging to focus on the drive.

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