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After the dinner, Yoongi said, "Miss Y/n, I can drop you off at your home."

Y/n replied, "Thank you, that would be great."

On the drive was quite

Yoongi asked, "Would you like some music?"

Y/n nodded and said, "Yes, please." They both listened to music, and it happened to be one of BTS's songs. Y/n couldn't resist and started singing along, her voice sweet and melodious.

Yoongi was so impressed that he stopped the car and said, "Miss Y/n, that was amazing. Your voice is beautiful."

Y/n thanked him with a smile and got out of the car. As Yoongi watched her, he couldn't help but ask, "Miss Y/n, you're not the quiet type, but you're always quiet around me. Is it because you think I like quiet people?"

Y/n nodded and replied, "Yes, I thought you preferred quiet people."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile like a madman and said, "Well, you don't have to be quiet around me. Goodnight, Miss Yn."

As Y/n went into her home, she couldn't stop smiling, feeling a newfound connection with Yoongi that had brightened her day.

Yoongi POV

On another weekend, after Y/n had finished her work at the charity office, I found myself inexplicably drawn to her. She was walking back home, oblivious to my presence as I followed her from a car. I couldn't quite understand why this girl had become the focus of my curiosity.

Y/n stopped at a convenience store along the way. She went inside, picked up some snacks, and decided to enjoy them while listening to music through her earphones. Watching her eat snacks and groove to her music made me chuckle like a madman. I couldn't explain why, but I was captivated by her in that moment.

As she continued on her way, eventually reaching her home, I couldn't help but feel that there was something about this girl that had me utterly fascinated. I wondered what the future held for our connection.

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