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Y/n had been working at the charity for a few weekends now, but her encounters with Yoongi had been rare. He was often consumed by his idol life, and Y/n's weekends were dedicated to her part-time role with the charity. The routine was hectic, but she relished the opportunity to contribute to a cause she cared deeply about.

One evening, as she was leaving the charity office after a long day's work, she was startled to see Yoongi waiting for her at the entrance. He approached her with a warm smile and said, "Sorry, Ms. Y/n, I've been so busy with my idol commitments that I haven't had the chance to meet you properly. How has your work been going here?"

Y/n felt a mix of surprise and excitement but maintained her professionalism. "It's been going well, thank you. I'm glad to be a part of this charity and help in any way I can."

Yoongi appreciated her dedication and handed her his email address. "If you ever need anything or have questions, feel free to contact me through this email. I'm here to support you, Y/n."
As Y/n accepted his email address
Y/n couldn't help but replay the brief encounter with Yoongi in her mind as she walked away from the charity office. In a whispered conversation with herself, she acknowledged the reality of the situation.

"See, Y/n, he's giving you an email address, not a phone number. Wake up from the dream. He sees you as just an employee, nothing more."

She reminded herself that she had to keep her admiration in check and stay focused on her professional role. Y/n knew that her primary responsibility was to work diligently for the charity, and personal fantasies had no place in this professional setting.

Yoongi, with a warm smile, asked Y/n, "Ms Y/n, would you like to have dinner together tonight?"

Y/n, politely declining with a smile, replied, "Thank you, but I'm going to head home for the day."

As Y/n declined the dinner invitation with a polite smile and left, Yoongi couldn't help but think about her. His mind was racing, and he couldn't shake the intrigue he felt.

"She's not like anyone I've met before," Yoongi thought. "Her dedication to her work and her professionalism, it's captivating. She's intriguing in ways I can't quite put my finger on.."

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