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Yn pov

As the weeks passed, we settled back into our routines in Korea. Our lives became consumed by work, with Yoongi engrossed in preparing for his upcoming album. Our schedules clashed - he returned home late at night while I was already asleep, and I left for the office early in the morning while he was still in bed. Communication between us had dwindled, reduced to occasional calls during work breaks. Tomorrow is my birthday, marking the first I'll spend with Yoongi, and I couldn't help but wonder if he knew.

Unexpectedly, Alia called, breaking the monotony of my day. "Hey, Yn, how's it going?" she inquired. I replied with the usual 'all fine' and returned the question. Alia expressed, "Great. I miss you, Yn." I smiled, teasingly saying, "See, my troublemaker sister is missing me." Alia chuckled and revealed, "I've been waiting for your wedding day." She then remembered the real reason for her call and wished me an advance Happy Birthday. Gratefully, I thanked her.

Curious about my birthday plans, Alia probed, "What are you planning to do on your birthday? It's the first one you'll celebrate with oppa." I sighed, sharing that Yoongi had been busy lately, unsure if he even remembered. Alia assured me, "Oppa will remember your birthday, Yn. Don't worry." I cautioned her against dropping any hints, insisting I wanted to know if he remembered on his own. After our conversation, I hung up and headed to work, my mind filled with thoughts about tomorrow.

Taehyung POV

After a week back in Korea, I found myself strangely missing Alia. One evening, while relaxing in my room, an unknown number kept messaging me persistently. Initially ignoring it, curiosity got the better of me, and I opened the messages to find it was Alia.

Her message read, "Hi Tae oppa, it's Alia. Yn's sister. I hope you remember me. How are you, oppa? I need your help." My eyes widened as I read her words. I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed her number. She picked up, and hearing her voice made my heart race.

Hello, Tae oppa," she greeted. I responded, "Hello, Alia. How are you? And how did you get my number?" She explained, "I'm good, oppa. I got your number from Yoongi oppa."

"How can I help you?" I asked. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "

I need your help to make Yn's birthday special. Tomorrow is her birthday, and I've planned a surprise celebration. I've sent a gift to yours address. You'll receive it tomorrow, so please give it to Yn. Also, I've informed all the BTS members except Yoongi oppa. They'll join you to celebrate. I want Yn to be happy," Alia revealed her elaborate plan.

I agreed without hesitation, "Of course, Alia. I'll make sure everything goes smoothly. Yn will have a wonderful birthday surprise." After exchanging a few more details, we ended the call.

I couldn't contain my happiness after talking to Alia. Her love for her sister, Yn, and the effort she was putting into making Yn's birthday special brought a smile to my face. I felt privileged to be a part of this plan and contribute to making Yn's day memorable.

The next day, as the plan unfolded, I received the gift and gathered the other BTS members, ensuring that Yoongi remained unaware of the surprise. It was heartwarming to witness the joy and excitement building up for Yn's celebration. I looked forward to seeing the happiness on her face when the surprise unfolded.

Yoongi POV

Nowdays, amidst the overwhelming work, the yearning for my kitten grew stronger. Engrossed in perfecting our future, I found solace in a cup of coffee within the studio. Suddenly, Yn's call broke through, and a smile naturally adorned my face as I attended it.

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