Locked in Fear

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[A/n: Special shoutout to @majesticspiral7]

It had been weeks since the Uchiha Massacre, and Sasuke, though showing slight improvement, maintained his distant, cold, and sometimes mean demeanor. However, in the company of (Y/n), he seemed to thaw a bit, occasionally revealing a glimpse of emotion, but only when they were alone. His trust was reserved for (Y/n) alone, and he remained distant with everyone else.

"Have you noticed? (Y/n) and Sasuke have become much closer," observed the girl next to Sakura, who nodded in agreement. "I always see them together."

"I caught a glimpse of them last time, hugging each other," added another girl, prompting Sakura to raise her eyebrows at this revelation.

"Hmph," Sakura huffed, turning away from them and glancing across the room at (Y/n) and Sasuke. "Could it be?" she pondered. "This can't be happening," she thought to herself, a small smirk forming on her face as she watched (Y/n) and Sasuke engrossed in conversation.

In the corner of the room, Ino noticed Sakura's smirk out of the corner of her eye. She quickly turned away, not wanting to get involved in whatever was causing Sakura's unusual grin.

"Hey, (Y/n), do you have snacks?" Choiji asked, leaning his face on her desk.

"Yeah, I have banana chips here," she replied, and Choiji perked up in surprise.

"Can I have some?" he asked excitedly, and (Y/n) nodded. "Here you go..."

"I made that," she added, smiling at him.

"Thank you," Choiji said, taking the chips and smiling back. "Yummy."

"Okay, I'm gonna go to the toilet, real quick," (Y/n) said, standing up to leave the classroom. As she walked through the corridors, she noticed the bathroom door had an 'Out Of Order' sign.

(Y/n) roamed around the Academy, searching for another bathroom and finally spotting one. With a sigh of relief, she walked over, but something felt off about the situation.

"I have a bad feeling about this," she thought as she twisted the doorknob and stepped inside.

"Hmm, whatever. My bladder is about to explode," she muttered to herself, only to realize it wasn't a bathroom but a small, crowded storage room. Confused, she looked around, and suddenly, the door slammed shut behind her, locking with a click.

(Y/n) tried to open the door, but it was locked. Panic set in as a certain girl's laughter echoed from the other side.

"HEY, LET ME OUT!" she yelled, banging on the door, the laughter growing louder.

Swarms of bugs suddenly filled the room, and the girl outside left, laughing. (Y/n) screamed in surprise as the bugs crawled towards her, covering the walls, roof, and floor. Desperation set in as she swatted at the crawling insects, calling for help, but it was futile.

"SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE!" she pleaded, tears streaming down her face. Attempting to open the locked door, fear overwhelmed her, and she began to lose consciousness.

"Let me out..." she whispered, feeling trapped. The bugs seemed to grow larger, closing in on her. Her breath grew heavier, heart pounding, and as the bugs crawled closer, she tried one last time to push against the door, but fear overtook her, and she passed out.

"EVERYONE, BAD NEWS!" Ino yelled as she burst into the classroom.

"What?" Kiba asked in a tired tone. "SAKURA PRANKED (Y/N)! SHE LOCKED HER IN A ROOM FULL OF BUGS!"

Sakura widened her eyes as the truth spilled out, and all eyes turned to her. Sasuke stood up, grabbing Sakura's collar. "THE HELL DID YOU DO? WHERE IS SHE? YOU KNOW SHE HAS A FEAR OF BUGS," he demanded, and Sakura, tearful, looked down.

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