The Bait Plan

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Today marked the day of the final test for the Chunin Exam. (Y/n) patiently waited for Neji and Tenten to join her, ready to make their way to the battle arena together. Soon, Tenten and Neji arrived, and excitement filled the air. "(Y/n)!" Tenten shouted and waved, rushing over to hug (Y/n) in her usual warm greeting. 

As they arrived, Neji had to leave for his own preparations. Before he departed, (Y/n) offered him a warm and supportive "Good luck." Neji, feeling a warmth in his cheeks, was touched by the encouraging words from her. 

After bidding Neji good luck, Tenten and (Y/n) made their way to the audience and sat next to each other, eagerly awaiting the start of the matches. As all the participants gathered, Naruto arrived slightly late, but the matches commenced without further delay. The first match featured Neji facing off against Naruto, setting the stage for an intense and crucial battle in the final tests of the Chunin Exam. The audience, including (Y/n) and Tenten, watched with bated breath as the competition unfolded before them.

As the intense battle between Neji and Naruto unfolded, (Y/n) couldn't contain her enthusiasm and cheered wholeheartedly for her two friends. The struggle and determination displayed in the fight were evident, and in the end, Naruto emerged victorious. The cheers and support from (Y/n) and the rest of the audience filled the arena, celebrating the hard-fought victory in the Chunin Exam. 

After the intense battle, Tenten and (Y/n) made their way to the infirmary to check on Neji. 

"I heard your cheers earlier. Thank you," Neji expressed his gratitude to (Y/n). As she looked at Neji, (Y/n) couldn't help but compliment him, saying, "You're cool, and you're handsome when you're fighting. Then when you were angry earlier, you looked handsome," accompanied by a chuckle. However, her tone shifted to a more serious one as she continued, "But I still can't get over what you did to Naruto and Hina-chan. What you did and said was too harsh." The sincerity in (Y/n)'s words reflected her concern for the impact of Neji's actions on her friends. 

Neji looked away from her gaze and simply nodded. "I'm sorry for that," he mumbled. (Y/n) sighed, offering her perspective, "Well, it's not my place to forgive you or anything since I'm not them. But, if you want to apologize, you should say that to them instead." Her advice carried a sense of understanding and encouraged Neji to take responsibility for his actions. "I'll try..." Neji responded, showing a willingness to make amends. 

(Y/n) stood up from her seat, expressing her intention to leave them for the moment and watch the other matches. As she approached the door, Neji suddenly asked her, "(Y/n)... You're the one who knows Naruto better and one of his best friends, aren't you?" (Y/n) turned back to Neji and nodded at him. "I'll trust your words. Do you think Naruto will really become Hokage and change the fate of the Hyuga?" Neji inquired.

(Y/n) smirked and confidently replied, "Yes," With those words, she left the room, leaving Neji to ponder the possibilities and potential changes that Naruto's ambitions could bring to their lives.

As soon as (Y/n) walked out, Neji's face turned as red as a tomato. "She called me handsome," Neji exclaimed, covering his mouth, clearly flustered by (Y/n)'s compliments towards him. "TENTEN! SHE CALLED ME HANDSOME! AND HAVE YOU HEARD HER CHEERS FOR ME?!" he exclaimed in excitement. Tenten looked surprised and added, "You like her? Since when? It hasn't been a long time since we met her." The unexpected turn of events left Tenten curious about Neji's feelings.

Neji took a moment to calm himself before answering Tenten's question (He is becoming Hinata lmao). He then opened up about his feelings, saying, "I already liked her before that... You see, I see her more often when she comes to our house to hang out with Hinata-sama. At first, it was just a mere admiration. I don't exactly know why. Then that day, when I heard her laugh in that commotion in the hallway, it was like music to my ears. I couldn't believe that she talks to me one day. I... there are too many things going on, I actually can't find any more words to explain."

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