Fateful Encounters

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Sakura and (Y/n) stood side by side in the hospital room, their eyes fixed on Sasuke's form as he lay in bed, recovering from his encounter with Itachi and Kisame. They waited anxiously for Tsunade's arrival, knowing that her expertise was their best hope for Sasuke's swift recovery.

The door opened, and Naruto entered, "I heard from Gai-sensei... Please, save Sasuke," Sakura pleaded earnestly, her voice laced with concern and desperation.

"Leave it to me," Tsunade affirmed with unwavering determination. "I can't believe I'm in the same room with the 7th Hokage, the future Head of the Medical Department, and the Shadow Hokage of Konoha right now," (Y/n) whispered to herself.

Tsunade gently placed her palm on Sasuke's forehead, channeling her chakra and performing the healing jutsu. The room fell silent as everyone stared mindfully. 

Sakura, her eyes filled with worried tears, stood nearby, her heart hammering with fear as she waited for the outcome, praying for Sasuke's quick recovery.

After a tense moment, Sasuke's eyes flickered open, marking his gradual return of consciousness. "Sasuke!" Naruto and Sakura exclaimed together, filled with relief and delight. Meanwhile, (Y/n) remained silently nearby.

Sakura wasted no time in stepping forward and enveloping Sasuke in a tight embrace as he sat up. To her dismay, Sasuke's gaze was blank, devoid of affection or recognition. A thick quiet settled over the room, the seriousness of the situation clear in the air.

(Y/n) approached Sasuke, taking a seat beside him, her presence a comforting presence in his time of need. "I'll stay with you until you're fully recovered, alright?" she gently reminded him, seeking to offer her support in whatever way she could. Sasuke simply nodded in response, acknowledging her offer silently.

After some time passed, Naruto excused himself from the room, leaving to allow Tsunade to check on Kakashi and Lee's conditions, his determination to ensure the well-being of their comrades evident in his actions.

"Maybe I should also give these two a moment," (Y/n) whispered to herself, sensing the need for Sakura and Sasuke to have some time alone together.

"Okay, I'll leave you two alone for now. I'll come back later, Sasuke," she announced softly, her words directed towards them. Sasuke offered a silent nod of understanding, and (Y/n) took her leave.

"Maybe I'll go see Lee instead. There'll be some not-so-good news waiting for him later, even though I know he'll recover. Well, for emotional and moral support, why not, right?" (Y/n) whispered to herself, her footsteps carrying her towards Lee's room.

As she made her way down the hospital hallway, (Y/n) suddenly bumped into Gai, Tsunade, Shizune, and Naruto. "Hi again, Tsunade-sama! Gai-sensei, are you on your way to see Lee?" (Y/n) inquired.

"Yes, and I'm absolutely certain Lee will recover, my youthful friend!" Gai exclaimed with his trademark enthusiasm.

"I truly believe in Lee's recovery too," (Y/n) added, her voice filled with optimism and faith in their comrade's strength.

"Are you going too, (Y/n)-chan?" Naruto inquired.

"Yes, I'll join you. I'll just come back later to check on Sasuke. Sakura is with him anyway," (Y/n) explained.

Just then, they spotted Lee walking with a cane, and their attention turned towards him. "Lee!" Gai called out enthusiastically. "I brought Tsunade-sama here!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with cheerfulness and relief at Lee's progress.

Tsunade scrutinized Lee as he passed by, her keen eyes assessing his progress. "That's your disciple?" she inquired, her tone carrying a hint of curiosity. "Yes! My beloved disciple!" Gai replied proudly.

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