Additional Information

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[A/n: These will be some random information about this fanfic]

The following are the possible love interest/someone who has crush on her and probably a hint if their gonna confess soon or not or never.

-Sasuke: (Might confess soon)

-Sees her as family. 

-lowkey simp but will never admit. 

-Loves it when she touch or pat his hair.

-Always takes her advice coz he trust her a lot.

-loves her cuddles when he is having emotional breakdowns

-Jealous of Neji

Neji: (Might take a while to confess)

-First time he have seen her is when (Y/n) bought Hinata home for the first time

-loves her energy

-hoping to be with her more

-Hinata 2.0 but won't show it besides Hinata or Tenten

-express his feelings when he gets the chance to do it (He do every love language except confessing yet)

-observant of her

-loves her smile

-Jealous of Sasuke

Shino:( low to zero chance of confessing)

-admiring her from afar

-silently supports her in every aspect

-always to the rescue for her behind the scenes (A/n: I have to write more like that in the future)

-Jealous on both Neji and Sasuke

Kiba:(idk prolly not)

-loves her smell

-He is jealous on Naruto and Sasuke

Ino:(Might confess soon)

-Finds her gorgeous

-shy type when she talks with her

-Jealous on Sasuke

Question; Who do you want her to end up with and why?

[A/n: I just put whatever in my mind lmao. Anyways I hope you enjoy I'll probably make more like this in the future]

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