Cursed Mark Unleashed

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As night fell, the team settled into a temporary camp. Tenten stood, leaning against a huge tree while sipping from a cup of water. Lee and Neji took their seats on the rock, with Neji holding a kunai in hand. Meanwhile, (Y/n) found a spot on the ground, quietly drinking water from the cup that Tenten had offered her.

"We've secured food and water after spending half a day, and now most teams have halted activity," Neji informed the group. "As we planned, this is the time that we attack," he added, casting a determined gaze at the others.

"We'll split up into three, and go scouting. (Y/n), you're coming with me. However, whether we find teammates or not, we return to this place," Neji commanded, marking the location with his kunai as a point of reference. The team nodded in agreement, ready to execute their strategy.

"Scatter!" Neji declared, and the team swiftly dispersed, each member heading in a different direction. (Y/n) joined Neji as they moved away from the designated spot. 

Amidst the dense foliage of the Forest of Death, Neji and (Y/n) moved in unison. (Y/n), however, was not in her best shape. She had recently regained consciousness after an injury, and Neji, although stoic, was subtly keeping a watchful eye on her well-being.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Neji couldn't help but notice (Y/n)'s occasional wince or stumble. His Byakugan, always keenly observant, picked up on subtle signs of her discomfort. Despite the stoicism in his expression, a subtle concern lingered beneath the surface.

"Be cautious, (Y/n)," Neji advised, his tone calm but carrying an undertone of genuine care. "Your injuries might still affect your movements."

(Y/n) acknowledged his concern with a nod, appreciating the silent vigilance he offered. The forest's eerie silence was broken by the rustling of leaves, and suddenly, a group of enemies emerged from the shadows, intent on claiming the scrolls for themselves.

Neji immediately stepped forward, his Byakugan activated, assessing the situation with precision. "Stay close, (Y/n)," he instructed, moving with a graceful yet assertive demeanor. (Y/n), despite her injuries, readied herself for the impending clash.

The enemies encircled them, launching coordinated attacks. Neji's precise strikes and (Y/n)'s resilient defense formed an effective synergy. Neji, maintaining a watchful eye on (Y/n), would subtly redirect attacks that might have targeted her vulnerable spots.

"Watch your left," Neji called out, deflecting an enemy's strike that aimed towards (Y/n). His Byakugan allowed him to foresee incoming threats, and he skillfully navigated the battlefield, ensuring their safety.

As the skirmish intensified, Neji and (Y/n) fought in tandem, their movements synchronized in a dance of combat. Neji's Gentle Fist technique and (Y/n)'s strategic maneuvers complemented each other seamlessly. The enemies, overwhelmed by the duo's coordination, found themselves unable to keep up.

With a final coordinated effort, Neji and (Y/n) incapacitated the last opponent. As the dust settled, Neji retrieved the Earth Scroll from one of the fallen enemies and handed it to (Y/n) with a nod of approval.

"Take this. We should continue with our mission," Neji said, his expression still composed but with a subtle hint of satisfaction at their joint victory. (Y/n), grateful for Neji's support, accepted the Earth Scroll.

(Y/n) gently accepted the Earth Scroll from Neji's outstretched hand, her expression a mix of gratitude and determination. "Thanks, Neji," she uttered softly, her voice carrying a warmth that resonated in the quiet clearing.

Neji, usually composed and reserved, felt a subtle warmth creeping up his cheeks at the sincerity in (Y/n)'s words. The unexpected tenderness of the moment caught him off guard. He found himself briefly captivated by the genuine appreciation in her eyes.

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