Breaking Free

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Years ago, during recess at the Ninja Academy, (Y/n) found herself deep in contemplation. The sunlit courtyard buzzed with the energy of students enjoying their break, but her thoughts lingered on deeper matters. Lost in her musings, she suddenly noticed a figure wearing a mask perched on a tree branch, observing her from a distance. 

"That looks familiar," (Y/n) thought to herself. Intrigued, she followed the direction of the masked guy's gaze and realized he was fixated on Sasuke. A mischievous grin spread across (Y/n)'s face as she whispered to herself, "Is that Itachi?" Fueled by curiosity, she decided to approach him discreetly. 

As (Y/n) approached him, she couldn't resist the temptation and suddenly called out, "What are you doing there?" in a playful tone. Startled, Itachi swiftly descended from the tree, grabbed (Y/n), and pulled her to a more secluded spot, covering her mouth. In his thoughts, Itachi wondered, "How did she notice me? Wait, this is the classmate of Sasuke that he always talks about."

"Shh, don't be loud," Itachi whispered, his Sharingan eyes focused on (Y/n). "How did you notice me?"

"I was just lost in thought, and then suddenly I saw you looking at something," (Y/n) explained with a playful grin. In her mind, she added, "Or someone."

Itachi sighed. "Are you (Y/n)?" he asked. (Y/n) thought, "Oh my, he knows me? Itachi looks handsome in person. I can't believe I'm talking to him right now." She was internally fangirling. (Y/n) answered, "Yes, that's me. How do you know me?" Itachi replied, "Sasuke always mentions you to us. You're his classmate, right? And you've been training together recently. Am I correct?"

(Y/n) thought, "Oh, he talks about me to his family? That's so cute." She nodded cheerfully. (Y/n) added, "I guess you're here because you're keeping an eye on Sasuke, right? You know, you don't have to do that because I'm already doing it. Your brother is quite a handful, but I can handle him."

Itachi chuckled at (Y/n)'s words. He could see the truth in what she was saying about Sasuke. Whenever Sasuke talked about her, boasting about how strong and skilled she was in class and during their training sessions, he always had a smile on his face. Itachi patted (Y/n)'s head and smiled at her, "I've heard you're quite skilled. I believe I can trust you with Sasuke. So... would you like me to train you?" he asked.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise. She never expected Itachi, a member of the renowned Uchiha clan, to offer her training. The idea excited her, and she couldn't hide the joy in her expression. "Really? You'd train me?" she asked, her excitement evident in her voice. Itachi nodded, "Sasuke trusts you, and that's enough for me. We'll start tomorrow. Meet me at the training grounds after school." With that, Itachi poked her forehead then vanished, leaving (Y/n) thrilled about the prospect of training with such a skilled ninja.

The next day, the two were at a private training ground after (Y/n)'s class. Before starting the training, Itachi reminded (Y/n) of something important. "Before we begin, I want you to listen to this reminder," he said, kneeling to her level. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked.

 "I want you to keep this training a secret. Everything I will teach you, you will use them to protect Sasuke and yourself. Can you promise me that?"

"Why do I have to keep our training a secret? It'd be pretty cool to brag about getting trained from you," (Y/n) pondered with curiosity. Itachi, maintaining a mysterious aura, responded, "It's for your own sake. Trust me on this, you'll understand someday. Can you promise me that you'll keep it under wraps?" Placing her trust in Itachi, (Y/n) agreed, stating, "Alright, I promise."

Itachi meticulously guided (Y/n) in harnessing her chakra nature, which turned out to be fire. Under his instruction, she delved into the intricacies of Uchiha's Fire Style techniques. The training proved to be demanding, and Itachi maintained a strict approach, pushing (Y/n) to her limits. However, his unwavering patience and perseverance ultimately led to her mastering the techniques over time.

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